
I’d still go with The Wire, but Breaking Bad’s the only other one that came so close.

Seriously. This is a guy who thinks that a statement can’t be racist if it doesn’t have the n-word in it.

“Luke trained for 3 years and could barely make his lightsaber move,”

Yes, I know that.

Right, and that’s a bad complaint because to make it you’d have to ignore the context and ask the movie to spell out for you in block letters something that made sense already.

I’d be lying if I claimed that wasn’t my first thought too.

Was he from Horse & Hound Magazine? I’ll bet he was.

What the fuck is happening.

But that’s exactly it - he did everything Snoke was telling him to do with one very tiny but crucial difference (that should teach Snoke about the dangers of ambiguity). He didn’t “block” him so much as parry him just the tiniest bit, which isn’t out of line with the apparent relative power levels. (edit: and there’s

“But he was also delving into Ben’s mind and the guy who has a conniption fit upon merely SEEING the Millennium Falcon and couldn’t tell that Astral!Luke wasn’t real was somehow able to mentally block someone who’s several leagues stronger than him.”

He didn’t block him; he literally did everything Snoke described. 

I used to, but then I had kids and now I have a gym membership that I never ever use except once every six months when I say “god dammit, that’s it, I am getting back in shape” and go once before all that steam is lost.

Note how many of them complain about the “girls, yuck!” line and in the same post reveal that it never occurred to them that the girl twin could have Jedi abilities like the boy twin did.

I think it’s interesting that in a number of comments trying to refute the “girls yuck” note, the posters reveal that it never occurred to them that the girl sibling could have had Force abilities just like the boy sibling did.

I mean, Emperor Palpatine said “let your hatred consume you”, so I maintain that hatred isn’t necessarily all bad as long as it doesn’t consume you.

By total coincidence I managed to finally watch this episode last night. You need to - it is absolutely worth the time.

The previous Sith Lord was killed by being bodily picked up and dropped.

Or the giant spaceworm that somehow contains an atmosphere within its mouth that it also leaves open all the time.

Are you actually asking why someone would want to see the reaction of the site’s most popular (probably) writer, who happens to be a fan of the team that won on the crazy play?

It doesn’t sound like the one from the Vault would be random (what in the world would be the point of putting a card that gets you a random card in a slot that otherwise would just be a random card). But it does sound like you’d need a mythic Wild card to choose a specific mythic.

This is how I did it too. If my kids want the skeleton, they can do their own farming on their save, or they can switch over and use mine.