I’ve recently tried the Hot Cocoa ones and they were actually pretty amazing.
I’ve recently tried the Hot Cocoa ones and they were actually pretty amazing.
It’s akin to the filling in Kit Kats being made of ground-up Kit Kats.
I look forward to the Presidential tweet telling Kaep “that’s how you take a knee.”
As well as
He got that from another guy, though.
Ah, okay I agree on that front at least.
I could see the other two as reasonable comparisons, but not Ivanka as Myrcella - Myrcella seemed perfectly fine, and Ivanka is very much not.
Yes, so much so that it’s almost like it was said with a tongue firmly planted in its cheek.
He’s got as much chance of that as Joffrey Baratheon did.
Why, it’s almost as though Moore is an unmitigated moron in every possible way!
Scrolled down until I made sure that someone had listed the New Donk City Festival, and breathed a sigh of relief that there was still some sanity and good taste left in this world.
“The 50-something guy who mentions his grandmother (who was likely born in the 20s) as being married at 13 for a reason why it wasn’t a big deal 40 years ago (in the fucking 70s).”
$10 says this guy would throw an absolute fit if someone asked him if it was okay for Muslims to do this.
I do not throw a baseball with my hand; I throw a baseball with my heart.
The kind of people who will say (and already are saying) that this wasn’t a sexual suggestion are the same people who think a statement isn’t racist because it didn’t explicitly use the n-word.
“Doesn’t matter if its false”
Okay then, fuckwit.
In a vacuum, possibly. But there was no fucking way in a million years that the 2016 GOP electorate was voting for a black woman.
Said elsewhere, but given that it’s from Fox News and is an extreme outlier compared to every other poll right now, I agree that it’s probably just them making up an emergency to try to spur Republican turnout tomorrow.
““sometimes he and Katie’s shenanigans get out of control.””
Also, oh my god, I hope that whoever was questioning them at that point was astute enough to get them to confess to prior such crimes by following up with “oh, what kind of shenanigans?” Because that guy looks absolutely dumb enough to fall for that.
So, looking at them, this has to have meth written all over it, right?
Do you really think they would explain all of this if there was the slighest possibility of us affecting the outcome, as if Matthew Goode was some sort of comic book villain? He did it thirty-five minutes ago.