
Lebron’s doing one of these:

I mean, your plan is the more readily achievable, though.

Your post makes me think that Pinkie Pie would be a great addition to a fighting game now.

Technically, it was one of these:

I don’t know - Green Shirt threw a Sonic Force Punch at :12 that sent his opponents flying - seems like someone you’d want on the team.

This alum is fucking IN for that.

No problem. Thanks for eating all of those leftovers and clearing out all that space in the fridge.

11. Created a burner account so he could comment on The Root.

That was 43, though.

I didn’t think it was possible, but that may be the dumbest face he’s made yet.

On the other hand, I strongly agree with these people that they should spend as much time as possible staring directly at the Sun to bolster their body of evidence.

Hey, me too - nice. Anyway, I think that’s just those idiots in Alabama trying to make the most of an opportunity to get some photos of a 14-year-old in her underwear.

Isn’t that special.

“I defer conviction until evidence is presented.”

Evidence has been presented, though. 

I’m sure you do.

That doesn’t even cover it, though - “Party Over Everything” makes more sense. In fact, to simplify, let’s amend that to “Party Uber Alles.”

“like what the IRS did targeting conservative groups with Lois Lerner in the Obama Administration.”


Well, sure - he’s not going to let a competing cult thrive.

As an Illinois alum, I’m happy to update that Lovie has entirely solved this problem by making sure there are no situations in which his team would be required to prevent.

It works when someone wrote a headline without actually reading the article - hopefully they’ll fix this at some point.