Seems fair. Look for them to try to sneak back in under new names, though.
Seems fair. Look for them to try to sneak back in under new names, though.
“Cause an initial cursory look into this”
Yeah, push past that initial cursory look.
I’m not charitable enough to call it “thinking” when that’s the question they’re asking.
Don’t use the 600,000 figure when talking about who died to stop slavery, as it includes the side that died trying to keep slavery. 600,000 Americans didn’t die trying to stop slavery - approximately 360,000 did.
Yeah, he was full of shit during that entire discussion. No way was he actually asking in good faith.
I refuse to believe that guy was being anything other than disingenuous at the start. “Gosh, how are we supposed to know if it’s not okay to grab a woman’s thigh when it’s the middle of the goddamn work day and she’s a reporter trying to interview you?” Fuck him from the start through the finish.
Well, hold on. The main goal of TNF is actually to try to squeeze just a little bit more gold out of that goose without killing it. Anything else is window dressing.
A) I think you should absolutely Tweet that at him;
Luckily, after Yost fell out of the tree, a mysterious stranger (who, oddly, turned out to be his kid from the future) pushed him out of the way of the car that would have hit him. The binoculars were a total loss, unfortunately.
It also should always be noted in this conversation that Sanders specifically joined the Democratic Party for the exact purpose of accessing its resources for a presidential run.
He means they are mad that the Democrats are deigning to address races other than theirs (white) as theoretical equals, but somehow this doesn’t make them racist in and of itself even if you leave out all the other stuff.
Thank you also for the much-needed periodic reminder that Mike Huckabee is garbage.
Oh, then you shouldn’t have said that you needed that.
Don’t ever fucking do that again.
They’re part of the con now. Even for those who realize it, they’re not turning around, because that would require admitting to themselves (and the world) that they were the gullible dupes.
“There’s plenty of blame on both sides. Hillary was a shitty candidate and the powers that be in the DNC clearly wanted her over Bernie.”
So did the voters who voted, though.
Nah. I’m sure you read the Politico article yesterday about the Trump voters in Buttfuck, PA. It’s racism; they’re racist; it is that simple.
Very true. They could also not beat the Cavs, which they will not.