Really AV Club? Couldn't find one more article to write to finish up "Zelda week"? Best NPCs? Trickiest bosses? Nothing?
Really AV Club? Couldn't find one more article to write to finish up "Zelda week"? Best NPCs? Trickiest bosses? Nothing?
The fact that we clearly saw Nacho ascertain Daniel's home address makes his involvement in the theft a near certain, by the laws of narrative conservation.
Yeah, Northern VA, including the DC metro area, being completely evacuated is just about as unbelievable as LA being completely cleared out in a week in "that other show"
really? Yay!
Karl Hungus
yeah - way to remind us about the $120,000 English BA you are still paying off
First thing the POwerball winnings would have bought me would have been a new identity
Will this "anonymous rich person" also include that million-dollar Wu Tang Album as the movie's soundtrack? Hmmm?
yeah, i trust them to do a good job about it
Interesting to speculate what might upset Gene's situation and drive a change. Maybe Huell wanders into a Cinnabon one day…
It's hard not to get antsy when the season only has 10 episodes….
that fucking monkey….
I think that within its somewhat narrative arc, LttP manages some pretty evocative characters and situations - the Ocarina boy wrung some pretty strong emotion out of my 12-year old self without extensive 30 minutes FMV cut scenes.
Completely agree. I think I might be willing to call LttP as my favorite video game of all time.
I think that once Trump hosted, anything goes
Maybe Lethal Weapon could host!
the reviewer is really "troubled" by a fictional movie about fictional people? Just because the producers took pains to ground the setting in historical accuracy doesn't mean they think the actual story is "real" or says anything about contemporary women.
I hope I can someday get over my addiction to Fabrege eggs.
I can never enjoy gambling because I'm always a pessimist about winning. I am really grateful for that, considering my penchant for excessive addictive behaviors in other realms.
yeah, but zombies which are actively pursuing meat should not be able to be so easily distracted.