Again - that just makes them shitty parents. It's understandable, but looking at your kid as a cash cow instead of a human being is crap (and honestly, more dehumanizing on a lot of levels than how Disney treats them)
Again - that just makes them shitty parents. It's understandable, but looking at your kid as a cash cow instead of a human being is crap (and honestly, more dehumanizing on a lot of levels than how Disney treats them)
Go fuck yourself, Bismarck.
Or maybe they're sad because someone they know and liked, who had a young daughter, just died tragically and violently?
I will not watch this, but I will second Scott Foley as terribly sexy.
Hmm...if I add "upwardly mobile creative type" to my LinkedIn profile will it help me get a better job?
Seriously though, I will by this the day it comes out. She's changed the landscape of television—pulp or no!
I will pre-order this book in hardcover today. Boom.
Or Aidan Turner.
Who knew Elisabeth could read.
But she can't stop! She won't stop!
Yeah, I'm no Israel apologist (please don't get me started on all the things wrong with every policy they have), but... Hamas is a terrorist organization. There is no "viewed as."
I've been told that's a 'box gap', not a thigh gap. I've got that too, right before my thighs smash into each other and hold on for dear life.
I've always thought a swift (and not too hard, obvs) slap across the leg/arm/butt of a misbehaving child is far less damaging than a harsh word. So sue me.