That fan is killing me.
That fan is killing me.
OK, usually I am squarely in the "Whatever is in her uterus is her own damn business!" camp, but I have been saying for months that Kerry Washington is pregnant. All of the billowy, loose fitting clothing, and the extremely busy patterns...they are all kind of a big departure from her normal style, which is usually…
I am 24, and I come from a really, really large families, so I've been going to my fair share of funerals since I was a kid. I've seen lots of people, mostly middle aged and elderly, taking funeral pictures of their loved ones in caskets. Especially if it's an infant, which (to me) is incredibly creepy/terrible, but…
I know fifty people have said this already, but this was literally my first thought after reading the headline.
Is it weird that the first thing I thought when I read the scene was "Eww. There are bugs on windshields. And dirt."
Ugh. Still going through so much Orphan Black withdrawal right now.
My teenaged sister was really upset that Francis and Sebastian were kind of unremarkable in the looks department...and frankly so was I. I will forgive terrible plots and bad writing for a truly handsome male cast, and it would have been SO EASY to do. But no.
Oh that poor, poor girl. How is anyone emotionally equipped to handle that kind of thing? Let alone a seventeen-year-old.
I have never read 50 Shades, and have no interest in seeing the movie...unless Seth Rogan is cast as the main sexy guy (that is his name right?).
I was just going to say, that's actually pretty standard, if not on the low end, for the price of a quarterly mag these days.
I always find it extremely funny when one Real Housewife says about another "She's such an attention whore." Um...hi, are you all not on a reality show together? Are you trying to tell me that you're not in this for the attention? What other possible reason could you have?!?!
Lana del Rey was in the delivery room when Jaime King gave birth.
"I am the hell and the high water."'
Is it weird that, in the traditional Little Mermaid movie my reaction is pretty much this:
"We use all of these lotions and potions and creams, when really what we need to do is eat a sandwich."
Whoever this is does not look into this at all.
Actually, the orgy scene with the bonfire is from last season of True Blood.
Worst birthday present to get your father EVER.
I guess he was wrong about how much of a danger his alter ego would be to his campaign...
I miss that so freaking much.