Ooh! It comes in navy!
Ooh! It comes in navy!
<iframe src="http://giphy.com/embed/ELE38BM2…" width="500" height="468" frameBorder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
Oh, Nick Carter. You just made me so sad.
<iframe src="http://giphy.com/embed/QrvRiHPz…" width="500" height="282" frameBorder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
I will give this a shot ONLY because it is Rob Thomas.
Yes, but Brooke was FIFTEEN at the time this was taken, and was notoriously being pushed by her mother to make certain career decisions that were (as she has said) WAY too adult for her ("Pretty Baby" anyone?).
I made it four minutes in. That is all I could do. Four minutes of cringing and saying, out loud, "No...no...stop...why?...WHY though? WHY?!?!?!"
Dude, at this point, I'm sure Amy Adams could play a fucking rock and it would be brilliant. Seriously.
Ben Affleck, you have made amends with me since your Daredevil days, but I have not forgotten how much I hated that movie (and, more specifically, how much I hated YOU in that movie). Bring ANY OF THAT to the Man of Steel sequel, and we are going to have a talk in a dark alley while I am holding a baseball bat.
"Omar Gooding from Wild and Crazy Kids"
"You should end the video by doing something really gay."
I'm not saying that Julia Roberts and her half-sister did not have a tough relationship, and I am not saying that Julia Roberts was not a dick to her. Both could very well be true. However, you have to take with a grain of salt the word of someone who feels the need to air familial dirty laundry in the press.
The perfect "Marisak Hargitay for Vice President 2016" photo. I'm just saying. Is there any way to get a Clinton/Hargitay ticket going? I would vote that so hard.
I'm black, so the question of "Where are you from?" hasn't come up a ton, but it has come up a few times. Each time the person (or grouP) wanted to know what part of Africa my ancestors are from, and don't seem to understand my irritation when I respond with "I don't know."
Is it strange/wrong to say that I am more disappointed in Paula Patton than Robin Thicke? I just love her so much, and I'm a little sad that she didn't say something along the lines of "What the fuck are you doing? Never show this to anyone."
Men can go jogging without underwear?!??! WHHATTT?!
I bet Tina Fey is at home relieved a shit that she doesn't have to deal with the media backlash from this latest tantrum.
Other than the fact that it's a romantic comedy and Jake Johnson is in it, I kind of don't really get the whole New Girl comparison.