Tu veux ou tu veux pas?

I love you forever for this.

If it makes you feel any better, I thought the exact same thing until I clicked the link. Severely disappointed.

For the love that all that is descent, LEAVE DONUTS ALONE! They are perfect they are!

Asexual? Never.

Oh Swimming Swiftie...

Does anyone else think she looks a little like Lily?

Ok, first of all, that collar on the second look? Perfection.

For some reason I read "Jackie Collins" instead of "Jason Collins" in Bill Clinton's tweet. I didn't realize my mistake until I clicked on the link (fully expecting to see a picture of Bill and Jackie palling around, I guess) and was like "Wait...a classmate of Chelsea's? Does he mean Hillary? Did Hillary Clinton and

Seriously, I don't get the snark. Does he not think that being so broke you can't afford pet food is not a thing?

I just started watching Lost Girl. I will admit that the only reason I am still watching is because of this man and his facial hair. GRRRRR.


Get in line, Ryan Reynolds. Get in line.

Can I be locked in a closet with Jeff Goldblum for an undetermined number of minutes?

I'm not sure that's true, Rainn Wilson.

I just have to say, as someone who is Black, a woman, and a feminist, I never found the phrase "Master Bedroom" to be offensive or problematic. My mind never went there. As a kid I always thought it was called that because it was typically the biggest bedroom and had it's own bathroom and, therefore, was clearly

I could see him being deported for excessive handsomeness.

All day I've been hearing about these men that are SO handsome they had to be deported to prevent sexy chaos in Saudi Arabia, and not ONE PICTURE has surfaced. I've been visualizing three Middle Eastern Jon Hamms this whole time! WHEN WILL SOMEONE HAVE PICTURES?!

Is Justin Beiber aware that, if Anne Frank was alive today, she wouldn't be a teenaged girl?

Oh RDJ, how are you able to do what you do to me?

Is Maxim doing some sort of series on former teenaged Disney stars or something? Danielle Fishel last month, Ashley Tisdale this month...