I love how, in the beginning, the dog was like "Wait, Jimmy Fallon? Fuck this, I thought we were going on Conan O'Brien."
I love how, in the beginning, the dog was like "Wait, Jimmy Fallon? Fuck this, I thought we were going on Conan O'Brien."
Steve Martin is a genius.
Hey, if I could push a baby out of my elbow I would probably hold it in pretty high esteem.
That was really gross. Ugh.
Dear Ryan Gosling,
They're watching Ticked Off Trannies with Knives in Texas? Whoa. Obviously, when I am in Texas, I am hanging around all the wrong people (i.e. my family).
Ok, Sienna Miller, yes, someone has to explain that to me, and while Keira Knightly and Blake Lively may not be the best actresses of our time by a long shot, damn can they wear clothes. So...no explanation needed for me on that side.
YES! A "nude and in my bed" emotion would be...well...yes.
When I first saw the photo I thought "I wonder with this Teri Hatcher article is about." Then I read the headline. That was weird.
OK, when I first saw this photo I was thinking "Hmm. I wonder what this article about Trri Hatcher is about," and then I read the headline. That was weird.
No, they are my new favorite British Celebrity Heterosexual Caucasian Married Couple.
Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig will be my new Kate Winslet and Sam Mendes.
Ok, so I just graduated from college on Saturday, and I remember thinking to myself "Don't trip, don't trip, don't trip." My primary fear embarrassing myself in front of everyone in attendance...I never considered the internet. Yikes.
Is it my imagination, or is this a trend with Bachelorette's who happened to be third runner-up (for lack of a better term) in their season of The Bachelor? Ok, sure, Ashley is only the second (to my knowledge) but I distinctly remember very similar things being said by one…
You know, I mostly regard Sarah Palin as a joke that occasionally annoys me, nothing to be taken to seriously. Lately, however, I have been feeling something else towards her, and I'm pretty sure it's anger. Not just because she won't go away, but because she continually insults my intelligence each time she insists…
It's sad, but I have to agree.
Unexpected and...frankly, gross.
I got that too, but for clicking on another Jezebel page. I think they've been hacked or something. Sad. I hope this doesn't mean I have to reset my account again.
"Dude, you can always totally tell when you're reading the work of a lady writer because they fucking cover the pages in their period blood. No offense."
It would have been a way better toy to have as a child than a stupid baby doll that "pees."