Tu veux ou tu veux pas?

Oh yeah! Well Rory Gilmore got into Harvard, Yale, AND Princeton! So...I will be following the Lorelai Gilmore method of parenting thankyouverymuch.

Ha! I know. Did you catch that moment when someone suggested they just name him "Beau" she said "I don't think it's fair to stick someone with a two-letter name." I sense there are a few forthcoming memoirs from their children.

AHH! Ramona's crazy eyes have laser beams! Obey the rules of Turtle Time or DIE!

Nothing, he's just happy to see us. WINK!

OH, Amy Adams is going to be a FANTASTIC Lois Lane.

I wasn't so freaked out by the idea of sex when I was a kid. I figured it must be an acquired taste or something because there seemed to be a lot of people around me who liked doing it. Now, oral sex. That was one I had trouble wrapping my mind around for a long time. How anyone could enjoy putting their mouth on a

Did I miss something? Why are we saying that the editor of British Vogue lied when she said most people didn't know someone? I feel like I'm missing something.

That makes completely sense to me. I used to pet sit for a friend, and a German Sheppard poking and licking and begging me was good motivation to take her out twice a day even when I didn't feel like it. Not to mention the knowledge that, if I didn't take her out, she would be restless all night and bark at every

So, I was just thinking "Oh my gosh, what could he have said? Was it really that horrible?"

I was just thinking that too. About Gottfried, I mean. I heard nothing.

YES! That is exactly what I was thinking. Oh, this video is going to haunt this girl forever.

YES! That is exactly what I was thinking. Oh, this video is going to haunt this girl forever.

It's like you're saying "Hey, I dare you to not find me adorable and want to have my children. I dare you." Granted, Ryan Gosling is the best at this game, but Jake's still pretty good.

Well, that certainly explains her attachment to her gummi bears. I wonder if she injects her jelly beans with little syringes filled with rum.

Oh, you're right. I didn't think about Paulie. He would have been way better.

I am not happy about this. Not happy. I waited for months for my Turtle Time and now they're telling me I have to wait some more. NOT HAPPY.

Dear Trailer Editing People,

I'm sorry, Kelly Bensimone, how was someone supposed to "help" you during the last crazy (yet extremely hilarious) season of RHONY? Because...

@najmah: That's exactly what I was thinking! The first thing I thought when I heard this was "What?! Couldn't they see how good looking he is?!?!"

@the susan: I've known a few people to carry around hot sauce bottles in their purse, so that's not weird behavior as far as I am concerned.