
(Psst, Nintendo: Put the charge port on the top of the console this time)

Those 'people' want more Atwell, they just want her as Captain America's sex prize instead of a strong MC in her own right.  These are also the sorts of people who have a canary about a woman being larger and having muscles.

Was going to say “Why isn’t The Rookie: Feds on here” but then I remembered it was a 2022 show and they just really dragged their heels on canceling it.

Didn’t really pick up on it until the Secret Invasion entry, but there’s a certain irony in that one coming off very much like it was written by AI when this site was deducting a full letter grade from that show every week for having an AI opening.

So this thing has to be on the Things With Faces Facebook page, right?

The Patriot I at least assumed people knew was largely bull, though now I’m not so sure; biopics kind of inherently make me angry though because, unlike The Patriot, they explicitly try to carry an air of legitimacy (disclaimers about being “based on” to the contrary aside) and are so very often chock full of

Pretty sure the aim of any self-drive program is to eventually have it everywhere, and I feel like those are larger priorities than its ability to navigate stop and go traffic.

How about we work on “self drive not speeding up mysteriously” and “self drive not running red lights” and “self drive not running over children wearing the wrong clothes” before we worry about making sure everyone else on the road knows to give you a wide berth

I suck at realistic driving sims. If it’s something like Burnout 2 though, which is the last real car-centric game I played at length, I’ll play the crap out of it. Friend of mine and I used to sink hours into outdoing each other by a matter of a few dollars in crash mode.

No Burning Shores? I understand that it’s a 2023 expansion for a 2022 game, but if Phantom Liberty and Valhalla as an honorable mention can make the list... Shores was damn good dlc, just sayin.

So long as they don’t have earthbenders making a half hour worth of exaggerated movements to float a few pebbles.

Fair enough. VR is definitely something I want, tbh; it’s a matter of justifying the cost of it, which is basically another console at least. Like I’m a huge Horizon fan, and even having that game on PSVR2 isn’t quite enough to get me to take the leap yet. I really, really want HL Alyx on there, but I’m pretty sure

I got a 2018 Ford Fusion hybrid a few years ago; easily the newest car I’ve ever owned, used to be a rental, had a fair few miles on it, but I haven’t had a single issue with it.

I do understand where you’re coming from, but at the same time I think you’re assuming a level of naivete on the part of people who haven’t bought in that just isn’t there, at least not to the degree that you think. Many people aren’t wholly unfamiliar with what a VR experience is like, even if they don’t personally

As I said in a different post, the price is a little frightening, but not so much to keep me totally away; it does feel though like there’s a lack of truly engaging experiences on there that aren’t just VR versions of existing console titles though. Like I’m not in a huge hurry to experience RE VII or VIII in VR. If

I know techbros and gamers want VR/AR to be The Future Is Here Now (hell, I want that), but the fact is that until they can get the tech squeezed down into something where you aren’t wearing the gaming equivalent of a Buick-sized blindfold on your head, it’s never going to be anything but niche. Also doesn’t help that

My favorite part was the only legitimately earned emotional moment in the entire film where they have to erase C3P0's memory... and then they immediately reverse it in practically the next fucking scene.

I mean, the final film couldn’t even stay consistent with itself, let alone the previous two films. It tries pushing this notion of "it doesn't matter what your name or family is, it matters what you do" which is great right up until Rey inexplicably decides to adopt the name Skywalker for... reasons?  I don't think

When I say it’s “become standard", I mean more that it seems like anecdotally there's been an increase in the prevalence of news articles about why so-and-so died whereas before it seemed like while that information was publicly available, you'd have to dig a bit if you wanted it. Or maybe I'm just noticing it more

Fair enough.