
It has always been the case, I just brought it up now for no reason in particular?  A curiosity more than anything else.

It just strikes me as an odd thing for people to be curious about? And partially it also strikes me as odd because, as someone involved in the medical industry in both the lab and data analysis areas, it seems like it would be something that landed under HIPAA privacy laws. Granted, it’s not like the deceased has any

We as a society need to have a discussion about MBI before getting too deep into the weeds on this, but... why are we so desperate to hang on to these shitty, awful jobs?  We *should* let the robots run fast food. Instead we've got them doing the art while we're obsessed with hanging on to truly godawful work out of

Am I alone in feeling like it’s kinda weird that it’s become standard to release the autopsy results of famous people? Why is that anyone’s business besides the family and (maybe) the authorities?  I don't know that there's really an argument that this sort of info lands anywhere close to being public interest.

Still hoping this unannounced game of theirs is going to be Savage Starlight

What kind of de-aging nonsense are they pulling to where Murphy looks younger now than he did 30 years ago when III came out? Or is he just aging that well?

$20 each?  Oof.  No way.  Will only be checking these out through Netflix.

Tell me Ratatoskr makes an appearance.

Im not trying to die on Netflix’s hill defending them, but... this makes sense to me? We’re talking about a show where whatever weird appeal it has, a big part of that is the suspense of who will be walking away with the cash; and I would absolutely not be surprised at a clause in whatever contract these contestants

Are you seriously using RDJ in Tropic Thunder as a defense?  The role that was very explicitly meant to be obviously over the top and offensive and in incredibly bad taste?

Miss the point harder. When I said they knew it wasn’t literally blackface, what I meant was they knew the person was not literally doing their face up in a minstrel style, which is what you described it as. They were using “blackface” as shorthand for the racial appropriation that was happening, and you know it, and

The very very obvious answer is they just shouldn’t have done the cosplay. I really don’t understand this notion that nothing should be socially off limits, but if you literally can't do a cosplay without coloring your skin to another common human color, then you just don't do the damn cosplay. It isn't that difficult.

There’s nothing that raises morale quite like “Fuck your COL raises and holiday pay, plebes”

That’s fair, and you’re likely correct.

Is the sales percentage high enough to justify a dozen reviews saying “Boy these games play like garbage on this system, avoid this port like the plague, woo boy what were they thinking”? I mean, presumably they made the bet that it would be, so I’m sort of arguing against myself here, but it just seems like a weird

And see, the rare bit of jag playing Death’s Door wasn’t a concern for me, at least not enough to make me want to play it at my pc instead of just laying in bed or whatever.  But I hear where you’re coming from.

I mean first, you seem weirdly aggro about it. You didn’t list any particular negatives in your initial post as to why you only prefer 1p titles on the Switch, so I’m not sure why I’m responsible for defending preferring indie titles on it..?

I mean, I feel like someone in the Nintendo decision tree is responsible for saying yay or nay in regards to titles brought to their system.

It’s great for indie titles and it’s where pretty close to my entire collection of those live.  Death’s Door, Spiritfarer, Bastion, Hades, Hollow Knight, Snipperclips, Celeste, Hyper Light Drifter, Cuphead, etc etc etc.  Very much prefer those titles on my Switch instead of tied to my other console(s) or PC.

I really don’t understand why Nintendo can’t just stay in their wheelhouse and make great games there, which they do. If, as a company, you’re not concerned with being in the ‘horsepower’ arms race with your two main competitors, that’s fine; but stop trying to port titles over that were never, ever going to look or