
My dad died of pancreatic cancer; we had some hope for a while but then found that it had spread to his lungs, and that was pretty much it.

It is incredibly pedantic to pretend that people were not aware that the costume itself was not literally blackface.  They knew what it was shorthand for, you knew, and you’re shoehorning this in as an example of the ‘overreach’ of cultural appropriation arguments when it’s anything but.

No.  Just... no.  There is literally no argument for ‘cosplay accuracy’ being so damn important that white people doing a particular cosplay need to darken their skin in order to cosplay as another race. 

Gosh, who could have seen this entirely unexpected and not at all totally obvious turn of events coming

I turn 46 in a couple days. Don’t talk about 40 being old, dammit.

I really wish I lived in a universe where I didn't have to know this person exists in spite of all efforts to the contrary

Ah, ok.  I thought this might have been like a small group of people inside Nexon who went to their bosses and said “Hey we want to do this thing”, but apparently that’s not the case.  I guess even one of the Nexon VPs said something to the contrary.

It’s worth pointing out that those sites probably aren’t all that reliable.  I think one lists Arin Hanson’s net worth as in the millions, which he’s mentioned before as laughably wrong.

I feel as though it qualifies as an indie.  If I were to produce a game and then run it by a large studio to publish and, against all odds, they chose to do so instead of immediately deleting my email, I don’t think that would make my game less ‘indie’.

Unless the article has been edited since you posted this, I feel like the immediately preceding paragraph makes it pretty evident that this is a quote from Keighley:

Goddamn, y’all are still mad about He-Man?

I know this is one of those “letting real life dictate fiction” nitpicks and that media in general has been doing it since forever (TMNT wouldn’t be nearly as fun if sewers were realistic) but man, the vast, vast, vast majority of sewers, if not all, do not resemble walkable underground city-labyrinths, lol.

How many decks could a Steam Deck Steam if a Steam Deck could Steam hams?

I dont’ know if I didn’t communicate it very well, but I think there’s a difference between “I didn’t like this / I’m disappointed by this” and “I am actively angry about this”. While I disagree with both positions, what I actually find disturbing is the latter. Not liking a show or a movie is fine, absolutely nothing

It was advertised with scenes from the initial episode, and the trailers said absolutely nothing explicit about it “being a faithful adaptation of the original comic”, so you’re wrong and that’s on you for making assumptions. I mean seriously, real question, did you honestly expect them to come right out and say “Yeah

My only regret with Part 1 is that they added those damn stalkers from Part II to the game. I started the generator in the basement of the hotel and expected to be running from a bloater spawning in and suddenly I hear those bastards scurrying around... -_-

In this case, it is ridiculous. I mean, if you don’t own the game already and want to get this edition because it includes the extra content, that’s one thing, but as far as remastering the base game, at this point? Especially one that still looks as good as TLoU2 does? Absolutely 0 point. I might shell out the $10

Id love it if someone could figure it out so we could Death Star it at the earliest opportunity

My impression is more that many of them are using “betrayal” or similar terms because they feel the creators owed them something, which is a concept I refuse to entertain. Beyond that, the term implies a much more emotional reaction than could ever possibly be warranted. This isn’t O’Malley pretending to be their bff

“In a surprise announcement, the Republican National Committee has revealed it is bankrupt” XD