
And that’s fair if you wanted something else and didn’t get it, and didn’t like the series for that reason; that’s totally fine.  But people who agree with your overall sentiment and also behave as though they were ‘betrayed’ by it not being something else, or worse, that the creators ‘owed’ them something else is

The number of people angry that we didn’t get a beat-for-beat retelling of the story we’ve already gotten twice now to one degree or another is... baffling to me. Like I’ve seriously seen people arguing that the advertising should have ‘been more honest about what the show was’, like they were just supposed to give

The Marvels especially and Shang-Chi, too low; Civil War, WAY too high. Other than that, I essentially agree with the list.

Re: the Prius going 80 on the freeway, it doesn’t help when 90% of everyone else is going 80, too.  When you’re the rare car doing 10-15 mph less than anyone else, it presents its own hazards.

We just dropped them after they jacked up my car insurance to over $1000 bianually in spite of my car being 6 years old and having nothing on my record besides a deer strike. SF can go f themselves.

State Farm is especially bad even for insurance companies.  They denied a shit-ton of claims after Katrina, claiming damage was done to structures by wind and not water; then they picked up responsibility for distributing FEMA funds to people and tried to take credit for it like it was their cash.

We just got done with the 6th episode of S3 of Succession this last Sunday, so slowly but surely we’re getting through it.

I really need to get around to Dead Cells, but yes, I can’t say I’d be inclined at all to play it on a touch screen.  Even with the best touch screen controls for a game, I rarely like having my hands take up large chunks of the visual real estate.

What a stunning rebuttal, thank you for your valuable contribution.  You’ve given me a lot to think about.

I think you could make an argument that Bucky at the least is very popular as a side character, given that easily the most well-regarded CA movie heavily featured him, and he’s been a consistent presence since.  And I don’t see any reason the others couldn’t also get to that level in a fashion similar to the

Disagree on Ant-Man 2.  The first film was, at least to my recollection, the first MCU movie that had analysts questioning whether the money train that was the MCU was finally losing steam.  imo AM2 was much, much better and more enjoyable than the first.  Don’t really agree that it was a weak movie at all; if

“You mean the Guardians of the Galaxy, with... Starlord(?), a talking tree, a talking raccoon, a former wrestler playing a guy nobody has ever heard of, and the adopted daughter of a villain we’ve barely introduced? That Guardians?”

I think it’s difficult to ignore the fatigue argument when you look at the sheer amount of material being released now as opposed to back in 2008. I’m admittedly a die-hard sucker for this stuff, but I’m also a 45 year old adult and between the volume and concerns that don’t involve grown adults in spandex punching

What Monica specifically says is “They’ll never know what you gave up for them” which admittedly is somewhat handwavey but isn’t absolving her of resonsibility for the pain she caused (something she acknowledges a couple of lines later); and yes, I will admit that I did find the finale unsatisfying in that the

I’ve honestly pretty much liked all the shows to greater and lesser degrees (except for Secret Invasion, which was just... awful, and Moon Knight, which I haven’t watched yet); especially Wandavision, which hit a height I don’t think has really been matched other than maybe Loki; it is why the character turn in MoM

I’m definitely part of the 1%.  It’s nice having Spiritfarer on mobile.  Find myself hoping they pick up Thomas Was Alone at some point.

I love Hades, but you couldn’t pay me enough (well, you could, theoretically) to play it on a phone. Way too busy. I didn’t even really like playing it undocked on Switch very often.  Would be interested to see what they mean by ‘custom touch controls’, but since my tablet is Android, that’s out.

Yeah, I mean, the audience at the showing I went to seemed, anecdotally at least, to very much enjoy it. I’ve given up trying to figure out exactly what it is people want out of superhero films anymore, unless they really thought Chris Evans and RDJ were just going to stick around forever; and tbh, I think a lot of

That is not what I would consider “having a go” at someone. That doesn’t sound like a reply to you or to anyone else in particular, it sounds like a given person posting their thoughts; thoughts that might be arguable but which aren’t really offensive in any way, so I’m not sure if you’re arguing that someone else

Welp, you’ve convinced me, well done.