
Because Wandavision was itself about Wanda dealing, poorly, with her grief over the loss of Vision; and coming to terms with that and what she’d done. She literally ended the Hex voluntarily, functionally and knowingly ‘killing’ both her fake children and her fake husband, and freeing the clearly tormented

Color me shocked that you liked Batman vs Superman.  Anyway, I wish you the best of luck in convincing me of how bad a B is if you really want to go down that road, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.

It's not like they haven't "invalidated the entire TV show and all that happened in it" before; Multiverse of Madness did that to Wandavision, at least afaic.

Im not sure in what universe it is that a B is interpreted as ‘bad’. Especially not "really bad", when Cinemascore's ranks are A, B, C, D, and F, which to any rational observer without an obvious axe to grind, would be interpreted as "above average". You know, just like what a B means anywhere else this scoring system

Not sure what exactly you're arguing against, because it isn't what Dr Baby posted.

Speaking anecdotally at least, the people I see getting the reaction you’re talking about are more often than not the “toxic assholes”. I think you can make an argument about whether or not those people should be engaged with at all, but I really don't see a significant number of people having a go at someone else

It's been out for 3 days. Might I suggest calming down.

A, the quality of the movies is entirely subjective. B, the fact is that all the things you have listed and dismissed out of hand probably did play a part. C, “misunderstanding target demographics” is just another way of saying “I’m a white guy and am SadMad that everything isn’t about me for once”. D, “guilted or

That’s fair, I still enjoyed it though? It was nice to have something that felt a little lower stakes for much of it than some other arcs. My only real issue with it was Tanjiro going from almost dying in the last arc against an Upper Rank with the assistance of two other slayers, his sister, and a Hashira to damn

Surprised the Swordsmith Village arc for Demon Slayer didn’t make the cut.  Continually impressed with a shonen anime that actually seems to be telling a definitive, limited story as opposed to continuous, endless power creep

I was going to star your comment but now I’ve got Frontier Psychiatrist stuck in my head, so that’s -20 stars for you

It’s all fleecing. If you play video games or consume pop culture in any fashion whatsoever, you’ve been fleeced. Stop pretending to be offended on behalf of other people and their ability to discern the motivations of the fleecers.

Not trying to be rude, but as a trans person I’m kind of exhausted to death with this “pandering” argument. Of course they’re pandering. They always are. They pander to straight people, to gay people, to women, to men, to couples, to singles, to stay at home moms, to men worried about their hairlines, to women worried

Is he even an adept coder, though? I honestly don’t know enough to speak to it personally, but I’m thinking of that now-famous group chat he had with some of the engineers at Twitter when he first took over when he’s trying to be all “We’re going to have to rewrite the code from the base up” or something, and they’re

You know marijuana is largely legal now, right? I say this because you sound like you could use a gummy or two.

I hate it because it largely seems to exist as an excuse for Keeso to go “lol women playing hockey pfffft”. Like I’m sorry, I don’t care what people think about women vs men in sport in this context but you’re not going to convince me that a back to back championship team is going to get completely shut out by a team

Talos Principle 2 for sure.  Been waiting for that one for a while.

To be fair, there were a couple seasons in the middle where I kinda thought things had fallen off a cliff (W’s Talk, Baby was a huge disappointment of an episode in particular), but the last couple seasons have been very good. Going to miss it.

The suit isn’t the worst overall, but it’s definitely not the best.  What really turns me off on it is the exposed hair.  Superhero outfits that are otherwise full-mask but expose the hair have never ever clicked with me, they just look weird.

I think Kojima sincerely believes in the messages he puts in his games, I just also think that he thinks it’s a lot deeper and more revelatory than it actually is. Like “Guys, guys, guys! Did you realize that war... is bad??”