I had just turned 11, it was the first day of spring and it had snowed the night before. Lubbock, Texas does not do snow very well. I had no idea what was happening to me since my mom hadn't talked about any of this with me, she had just sheepishly given me her little booklet of womanly information that was from the…
People are talking about embarrassing parent reactions and such, but my first period story mostly reflect poorly on me. I was 11 and it was the summer before 7th grade. (I'd been dying to get my period since I was 8 or 9, and I remember I used to run up to my mom with my dirty underwear and hopefully ask, "Is this my…
Well it's about damn time. At their annual meeting in Chicago this weekend, the American Medical Association joined…
There's a Kentucky restaurant that has completely abolished tipping, and contrary to what you might expect, it…
What a petty, pedantic, and idiotic response. It doesn't matter what the fucking job is. That's not an excuse to break laws or exploit people.
I am so, so, SO sick of "if they don't like it, they should just quit." It's a way to defend dehumanizing treatment of employees without actually coming out and saying it. I don't give a shit WHAT someone does for a living — NO ONE SHOULD BE SUBJECTED TO THIS SHIT.
Would you say that about any other job? A job is a job is a job. It doesn't give you the right to violate the law - subjecting employees to working for less than minimum wage and sexual harassment.
I'd say it's because he threw a huge glass pitcher into a window in a crowded restaurant and only by a miracle didn't seriously injure or kill someone.
But we also need things to be cheap. The wage has been stagnant for some 30 odd years now.
Also on the list: an apple pie blended into a McFlurry. YOU CAN ASK FOR THIS!? Why did I not realise this sooner?
Whenever a large party would leave (thus opening up one of the three 12-person tables we had available), and we had a wait for large parties, one of the former managers at the last restaurant I worked at would get a group of servers together and say, "Let's go gang bang that table," meaning "let's get it cleaned up…
Wow, I'm sure you're right, because we live in a bizarro world in which that might actually work. BUT, I hold out a tiny bit of hope that playing to the homophobe bigots doesn't work as a long term economic plan: exhibit A, the Chik-Fil-A dude recently admitted that he never should have spoken publicly about his…
A hell full of gays and drunks sounds way better than a heaven full of reality stars. (Thieves won't be good company but at least they won't have much to steal.)
The son is trolling now to juice up "Duck Dynasty" ratings, which have been in the toilet: he's hoping that folks will start to rally around the family again, thus he's bringing up the gay thing again. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/tv-r…
Genuine question: What is their maternity/paternity leave policy like? If they don't want employees to even *discuss* contraception with physicians, one would hope they were generous when babies happen.
Fixed that for ya.
Look, it takes a community. I have them at home, the teachers have them at school. If I had to watch them 24/7, I couldn't work or take care of myself, you know in order to pay taxes and take care of them when they are not at school. School is an institution. I do not get paid by the school. I am not superwoman,…
I'm not giving the kids gum to stick under desks, seats, etc. Do you always force conclusions on others?
No can do. Those sound like problems at your end. I am dealing with the problems at my end. Deduct points for gum in their mouth during presentations.