
She is just effing exhausting. It’s not all about you, Demi.

Ms. Lopez, this is a Wendy’s. 

At least we know it’s not venomous, unlike its Australian counterpart the Inland Gluten Snake.

Shouldn’t Kim be an expert on divorce at this point?

this !! Employers see such a huge risk if their facilities don’t have the proper amount of ventilation turnover, if they don’t provide the correct PPE items & services, if they don’t keep the idiot staff from doing idiot things. These things have personal injury lawyers salivating at the bits to take on cases and

...blessedly short tenure as president.

That’s what I thought.

This is the fifth shooting death of a student at Austin-East this year”


Why did she bite rabbits?

if the show isn’t just the chunkiest pigs lying around without a care in the world, not interested.

I haven’t seen this show, but I just watched the trailer, and, this show (like most everything in life), sure seems like it could use a lot more pigs and a lot less people.

Every single Usher story I’ve heard makes him sound like a Medium level asshole.

She mentions how fame impacts her life as someone with a (fairly severe) panic disorder. It’s a typical cheap shot at a famous person with a well-documented mental illness that has repeatedly affected their career and personal life. 

Tom Hanks made do with a volleyball. 

my go to is Double cheese, Double Cheddar, Double Feta, Double Parmesean Asiago, Double Provlone. it will literally seal a bear up for hibernation.

“I don’t have a racist or bigoted bone in my body” Gaetz says, would you like one?? 

Yes. I think his presidential campaign was a troll, I think his current mayoral run is a troll, I think those tweets are are a troll. I don’t think he’s a serious human being at all. I think he’s a wanna be tech bro who thinks he’s going to “synergize” his way into office and wing it from there. He’s never held public

Eh, I am also exhausted by all the comings-out. I’ve always been in the camp of “maybe if we didn’t put so much emphasis on people’s labels, we’d all just be able to relax and stop shouting about which labels apply to us”