
isn’t that what the article said ??

eh that’s kind of what the article said:

The Shape of Water was so bad, and I’m almost embarrassed by how angry I was that it won Best Picture at the Oscars.

he was always like that

Mellencamp is not B+. More like C+ on a good day

man, everyone’s a critic! who do you give an A to?

people hate Ang Lee ?!?!

You should do a bit of research on adult adoptees and their feelings re: adoption. I was surprised and saddened to see how many adoptees felt bitter and angry towards their adopted parents; many had even cut them off! Often non-white adoptees resent their white adopted parents for perceived cluelessness as to

lol exactly

their clothes are made for teenagers.

Wen’s point was that Planned Parenthood isn’t just about abortion, it’s a resource for women’s health in general, including but not limited to abortion. She wanted people to see Planned Parenthood not as “Fetus Killers, Inc.” but as a healthcare organization providing services ranging from ultrasounds, breast exams,

no it’s not

or perhaps we can just go ahead and say that all women can be bad, just like all men can. Anyone can! Pointing out she’s a woman or white or rich is so besides the point, at least in terms of her character. Bad people can be found in all social groups.

Eh I would say it’s more ‘xenophobic’ than racist. I’ve also said similar things (‘go back to your country’) to a friend of mine, who is Romanian and lives in NYC, and is constantly criticizing American culture, American (lack of) values, American greed and superficiality. She hates the US, yet has lived here for 12

mmm not sure “justice” means snooping around on someone whose political views you don’t like, in order to screw them over personally. Might rethink that...

Southern women were up in arms when Vivien Leigh (an English actress) was cast as Scarlett O’Hara...

Well now they’re not making the film at all. So I guess lesson learned (?)

But I thought the whole point was that gender was fluid, and exists more in your mind than as a product of biology. That’s why women can have dicks, etc.

hey hey hey, don’t forget MJ!

I don’t