
lol re: ‘civilization’ being shitty for women. Why not just say being a human is terrible. Being alive is terrible. Life isn’t fair, life isn’t perfect, blah blah wah wah

as opposed to... all those ‘serious’ countries? lol. Brexit Kingdom, for example? Or Germany, the country that gave the world the Nazis? give me a break!

I hired a female carpenter to fix an armoire, and she ruined the armoire. Just saying. Never again.

I don’t think rates of depression are rising due to lack of mental health services. In the past, there were far fewer such services, yet much lower rates of depression and drug abuse. The problem (imo) is not the lack of a government problem, it is today’s isolated, alienated, meaningless way of life.

there had to be someone...

This article is very wrong about who is advocating for more restrictions on abortion access. The fact is that women are just as likely as men to be in favor of outlawing abortion. In fact more women than men consider themselves ‘pro-life.’ This is not a matter of men controlling women. This is a cultural issue, with

Destroy her career - ban her book! BURN her book!!

I got so tired of doing all the housework, plus grocery shopping and cooking, when both of us were working full time, that when I got pregnant, I decided to stop working. I didn’t love my job, and my husband makes enough to support us. He did not want me to stop working, but I could just imagine what ‘parenting’ with

her condition does confer an advantage. In terms of sex, she is a man, in that she is XY, she has no female sexual organs, inside her body she has male sexual organs (undescended testes), however because she has no penis she was raised as a woman and lives as a woman. So in terms of gender she is a woman, but in terms

on what basis are you claiming that she is a woman both in terms of sex or gender? you just defined sex by chromosomes. Semanya is XY. She has testes. She does not have a uterus or ovaries, or any female sexual organs. She could be considered intersex, in that she does not have a penis, but as far as I can tell, in

hint: gender is not just a social construct. chromosomes are real.

well I mean his father abandoned his family when he was five, and they were homeless for awhile. Sounds kinda bad

Why is this reposted right after he died? Tasteless

what don’t you like about her platform? just wondering

this whole story is so lol

lol I think we’ve all heard that before...

reading these comments is like looking in on another planet. you think things have gotten BETTER? huh? global warming, rampant consumerism, technology ruling every aspect of our lives, skyrocketing rates of depression and over-medication, isolation, fake food, fast food, inequality... I could go on and on. talking to

I mean you say that as if men in 14th century Europe had other, better options. But most men were peasants, and there weren’t ‘options.’ Farming was what you did.

lol as opposed to the rest of society, which 30+ years ago was super pro-lgbt!! /sarcasm

I felt like the the thing was a big to-do more because it shed light on how messed up Panettiere has become (if that wasn’t already obvious from recent pics)