
the thing about yachting is it only requires a few nights, and you make boatloads of $$$

um generally because people, for varying reasons, don’t want to come out and tell the truth about their effed up lives.

what does that have to do with this story.. ? 

lol re: ‘more economic opportunities.’ easier said than done...

damage control. All posturing from people who only care when bad PR comes knocking

they were travelling together; it was reported elsewhere (not this article)

they are; it was reported elsewhere

the two fat people picked their seats. They were travelling together and picked the window and aisle seat because they didn’t want to squish each other! Not very nice.

I think what really motivated her tirade is the fact that the two big people on either end were actually travelling together, yet chose to purchase the aisle and window seat, knowing full well they would be squishing whatever poor sap ended up between them. Pretty inconsiderate.

The two fat people though were travelling together. And they bought the aisle and window seat. Kind of sleazy, considering how big they are, they knew they were going to make the ride horrible for some third person. Why not get two seats together?

I think she was particularly mad because the two fat people were travelling together, but purposely purchased the window and aisle seat, sticking somebody in the middle seat between them. Pretty sleazy if you ask me.

wow, that was really uncalled for. come on!

eh. I’m white, and the police went after me in a big way after my neighbor called the police because me and some friends were smoking weed in my basement when I was 15 (the neighbor let herself into my house because my parents were out of town and we weren’t supposed to be there).

which revolutions? as far as I can tell, they’ve all been disastrous. The Russian Revolution? Who wouldn’t want to live under Stalin for 70 years? The French Revolution? Maybe it’s just me, but Robespierre and the Terror seem way worse than ‘let them eat cake.’ The Haitian Revolution? Have you been to Haiti? The Arab

I wonder why the police are more suspicious of blacks - could it possibly be higher crime rates? 

You seem to be assuming that all demographic groups commit crimes at the same rates. But that is simply not true. The black murder rate is six times higher than the white murder rate. So half of the murders in the US are committed by blacks - who make up around a tenth of the population.

??? Is it ok to be proud of being British? French? Italian??

lol I laughed at Wakanda-truthing

yeah I mean it’s clear that he intends to mislead people into believing he was in Vietnam when he wasn’t. my point was that he does usually try to skirt around blatantly lying about it. like here (I listened again and it does sound to me like he says ‘as a vietnam veteran times, served in the Marine...’). which to me

the issue isn’t that serving in Nebraska and repairing fridges isn’t noble and worthy of respect. the issue is that he claimed to a ‘recon ranger’ in Vietnam, specifically to both bolster his credibility and make the kids look bad. he has said in interviews statements like ‘as a Vietnam Vet I know this attitude’