
mmhmm... makes sense! and that would also totally explain why Phillips’ grandson was yelling at the kids mid-‘prayer’ that they should ‘go back to Europe,’ and after the confrontation was over started crying out (several times!) ‘you won Grandpa, you won!’

or you could just go with ‘poor.’ but that doesn’t seem progressive, does it? ‘racist’ is much better!

uh huh, so now it seems that the great crime was wearing a MAGA hat. what a joke

the issue is more that this guy kept lying about being a vet. he literally would introduce his feelings about being ‘victimized’ by sandmann by saying ‘as a vietnam vet, I know this attitude well’ 

Phillips clearly got up in Sandmann’s face to try to intimidate him. He started beating his drum like inches from the kid’s nose. The kid is what, 14? How is that ok?

you are aware that lots of women are pro-life, right? we’re not ‘anti-women’ we’re pro-baby

Phillips went up to Sandmann, not the other way around. Sandmann didn’t ‘block him,’ he was simply standing there when Phillips got in his face to beat his drum at him (for no reason!). And Sandmann just continued to stand there. How is that a provocation?? If anyone was provoking, it was clearly Phillips.

no one said ‘build the wall.’ apparently someone did do the infamous ‘tomahawk chop,’ though.

but WHAT did sandmann actually do?? stand still when philipps got in his face? so effing what??

they were there bc they were waiting for their bus

his claim is that he always said he was a ‘vietnam era veteran’ - which in this video he seems to be say. I think his wording is ‘vietnam veteran times’ or something sort of confusing though...

the pig-butchering scene was totally my favorite! I remember wishing I could try a fried pig’s tail, and thinking them throwing around that ball (of pig guts) was kind of weird

but what about the child?? Why not give them a chance at life, even if it’s hard/traumatic for the mother?

I’m pregnant right now. Obviously it’s not ‘just’ giving the baby up, pregnancy is really hard. But if you’re giving a child a chance at life, isn’t that worth it?? I think so. For me, killing the baby because I don’t want to go through with pregnancy would be really selfish. My 2 cents

you really think it’s better to terminate the pregnancy than to give the baby up for adoption??? why not give the baby a chance at life, however imperfect it may be? 

right, nice to think about living in a country like Switzerland, where everyone is rich, but if one individual couple is considering adoption, transforming the US isn’t really an option. The options are: adopt, or don’t adopt

right, but I think the question is more, what are they marching for exactly? more recognition from the culture at large? or do they have specific requests?

a quick google search reveals many such articles. long story short: different people prefer different terms, but ime ‘native american’ is appropriate for ppl indigenous to the land that is now the US (except hawaii)

have you spoken to someone who wears one? a lot of the older people I’ve talked to who wear them see ‘maga’ as meaning bringing jobs and prosperity back to rural America. that’s what they say at least. 

do you think every person who wears a maga hat, or voted for trump, should be publicly raked over the coals and ostracized? or every person who is pro-life? do you say ‘fuck them’ to everyone who isn’t progressive, pro-choice, pro-immigration? because that’s a lot of people.