
Hi, thanks for this article. Some issues with the argument:

well that was unnecessary

she sucks

care to explain?

not sure that ‘traditional’ masculine encourages men to be predators. which tradition are you referring to? where I’m from, men are taught to treat women like ladies and to wait until marriage to have sex

um Jezebel

‘add’ is a mathematical term

who is tucker?

well part of fixing the problem is going to have to involve talking to people who you think are ‘the problem.’ this guy has a point - if we want to talk about changing what masculinity is, we’re going to have to dialogue with men, even ones you don’t agree with.

american history x clearly comes out against neo-nazi ideology. It doesn’t ‘say exactly the same thing’ at all! the movie ends with the main character rejecting neo-nazi ideology, and reflecting on why he was so attracted to it in the first place.

yes, a poorer, less powerful country

Right, as in the Childish Gambino video - but there is a difference between representing historical injustice for viewers to think about, and calling for murderous revenge.

just to set facts straight, my understanding is that there was never a locked-door, non-consenting situation. he apparently would ask for permission to masturbate in front of someone, and if the woman/women said no he would accept that.

FYI he’s mexican, not white

he did ask for consent

get help

having said that, I’ve never called the cops on ppl for using fireworks, nor called the cops on anyone for that matter. But I do not support fireworks in the street!!

Granted, most of the people I know who were injured or who were the perpetrators of injury were, sadly, children. But yeah sometimes people are assholes and point fireworks at their ‘friends’ as ‘jokes.’ Heard about those roman candle ‘battles’ this 4th? Either way there is a reason they’re illegal, and its not bc

disgusting bigot

“wisdom is bullshit”