
that’d be a strong no to coaching politicians to not reveal themselves to be the assholes they are in interviews

I think it’s very clear that Monica Lewinsky did not understand the implications of her actions, nor was she mature enough to know what she was doing.

yeah nothing like a woman going after a married man with a family with “reckless abandon” to solicit respect... vom

I mean in that case, the President sleeping with literally anybody would be an abuse of power. Any powerful man sleeping with a less powerful woman is an abuse of power. Let’s get a grip here

“My great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee” - white people

yeah, who cares about Warren dishonestly appropriating the Native Americans’ suffering and oppression in order to cynically benefit from Affirmative Action policies designed to right some of history’s wrongs? A mere distraction from far more important things.

I mean if she’s runnign for president, the fact that she completely cynically and dishonestly claimed to be NA for professional benefit is, imo, worth noting. Not something I’m going to overlook, personally

yeah, what’s wrong with dishonestly appropriating the Native Americans’ suffering and oppression in order to cynically benefit from Affirmative Action policies designed to right some of history’s wrongs? Sounds like very upright, honest behavior if you ask me. Elizabeth Warren ’20!!

ugh, it’s like the commenters here want to be a stereotype about feminists who don’t understand comedy.

I believe that most other countries that have significant numbers of immigrants also have similar policies.

I take it you’ve never been married

I’m pretty sure a lot of times it is just about sex. This based on being married to a guy who will badger me into sex even if I’m trying to sleep. It’s not about power, it’s just about him wanting to get off, and being sure he can pester me into it

truly a new low

What is #metoo if not shaming, on a national scale??

I mean, as the commenter pointed out (albeit in a rude, vulgar way), we as a society do pay for it collectively, as an incredible 75% of our population is overweight.

of course there are thin people who are unhealthy and fat people who are healthy. But these are exceptions to the rule, as on the whole being fat is very bad for your health; that is why we are talking about a “crisis” of obesity - that did not exist 40 years ago, so has nothing to do with genetics, and everything to

why don’t you still like going to see him? just curious

key word: “usually”

lol, why would you be more supportive of an invented demon vs. one with a long cultural history???

lol. gotta love these “feminists” dogging this woman for looking old. long live the sisterhood!!