but what are they supposed to do?
but what are they supposed to do?
self call
Um, how about the park where Mia Farrow held her upside down and called her a moron? That seem normal?
or perhaps you have to be smart to get that it’s satire. Who is failing miserably? lol
huh?? Elisabeth Moss aka Peggy? She’s waaayyy thinner than this girl. This girl is actually fat.
doesn’t it have like a 7 on IMDB? I thought that was considered good lol
yeah well some terrible things probably happened to poor ol Harry Weinstein too
why are you making excuses for her? did you also make excuses for Weinstein, Spacey, Lauer, etc. etc. ? “cycle of abuse” poor guys, they’re probably victims too?
your comment should be amended to “don’t read”
well in his defense I don’t think he was saying single moms were trash, he was saying that the “dads” who abandoned their kids were trash...
right, but the issue is that black Americans have approximately 10x the murder rate that white Americans do
lol, right right. It’s always ‘the man’s’ fault. They made those people shoot each other. Sure... whatever helps you sleep at night.
were these guns licensed ?
lol, where is ‘that country’ ?
I’m not sure what the furor here is over. If you don’t want to forgive Louis CK, that is fine, don’t watch his shows. If other people do still want to watch his stuff, that’s their choice. Seems pretty simple.
thank you
um posting photos of your ass day in day out on your instagram does not exactly scream “well adjusted” and “healthy relationship with men”
lol move to China