
huh? only perfect victims should be “near the movement”? I really don’t think that is the takeaway here... :(

Right, perhaps we could take this as an indication that separating people into easy black and white, villain and victim, categories, is silly and naïve.

Perhaps we might take this as an indication that separating people into easy black and white, villain and victim, categories, is silly and naïve.

well what would the gender-netural term be for people who are gossipy, back-stabby and petty?

women are expected to be catty gossips? oh come off it...

I think you should look seriously into why people vote Republican. Sure, some would like programs that benefit them, but if it means higher taxes they won’t vote for it. As Bush Sr. famously said, “it’s the economy, stupid.” The people want pro-business reps because pro-business means more jobs for them, the working

Um you do know that Iowa is a swing state, dont’ you? Before writing off “places like that” maybe you should do a quick google search....

But how can you say all that - without even having seen the show?? 

I really don’t see this as a race issue. But yes, the company running the boats is responsible, not the customers.


yeah, kind of like all kinds of doxing. 

c’est pas grave, je comprends.

I want his numba

concern-troll? beh au moins tu a l’air de croire maintenant que j’ai été en haïti !! but what I am concern trolling about, in your opinion?

beh voilà, c’est comme j’ai pensé, tu parles même pas français, quelle blague franchement....

uh well they did kind of have a point, seeing as the electoral college is real and all..

Bon si t’es haïtien je t’écris alors en français. Mais je comprends pas pourquoi tu t’es offensé, ni pourquoi tu penses que j’ai pas été en haïti... après tu me menaces - et pourquoi?? dis pourquoi tu t’es fâché et j’ouvrai plus la bouche, lol

They as in Mother Teresa’s opinions? Are you sure that she was consulted on the matter??

Well Mr. Haitian expert, what I was told was that like half of Haitians mixed in some Voodoo practices with Christianity, but fewer than 10% practiced it as their main religion.

I don’t see how Mother Teresa really comes into this at all... was she even literate? What did her opinions on Haitian politics have to do with anything?? Let’s stick to more germane matters when discussing US-Haitian relations!!