
Define ethical balance. I’m not being flip, I am actually uncertain of what you mean. I do think there would still be good and bad people in the world if the Nazis won, yes. There are good and bad Americans, and we are responsible for millions of deaths throughout the third world. Oh, and we have puh-lenty of

Not necessarily unbalanced. Only need a couple lions for a herd of gazelles.

That is how balances exist in nature though. You don’t get balance without tension. Rewrite your comment with predators and herbivores.

Now that we have this sorted, can we talk about the important issues like where I can lay my mitts on some of Leia’s space jewelry?

Don’t tell that to a Taoist.

Well, it’s kind of like real life that way. In that you are not guaranteed that anything you do matters even on a mundane level, let alone a cosmic one. Because there are no chosen ones, there’s no higher power to choose anyway, and getting off your ass and doing something good is entirely at the discretion of your

One thing that I have found really eye-opening through reading all the flailing over this issue - that military victory doesn’t mean permanent peace, in the Star Wars galaxy any more than our own - is the realization that so many people just plum DON’T LISTEN when the Force is explained, over, and over, and over

Hans Zimmer and Tchaikovsky; two great tastes that taste...weird and kind of hilarious together?

I am cautiously very excited for this movie, and I love the cast, the visuals, and the original book. There’s a tiny part of me that fears it will suffer from “John Carter Syndrome;” that the book was so influential, and so many of its themes have already been explored in other films, that to go back to the original

What a bunch of sour bastards yall are. Did someone give you too many Necco wafers when you were trick or treating?

This is a cool display. Good job guy.

...Chewie didn’t give it away?

Dare I call her a zapatista? Or would I be sabotaging myself?

I am the shallowest person to ever live but even in a genre known for pushing human anatomical perfection that is a breathtakingly beautiful cast.

The real question is why so many bat-brides have such abominable taste.

Wait...homoeroticism implies sexual reproduction, right? I thought we established Orcs were eusocial and needed to be made in magic mudpits. Has that been abandoned? If so where are the lady Orcs?

MC Pumpkinspice

I mean, I understand that Leo’s name gets the wallets open, but not this guy?

Really? I’m surprised he’s a fan of a show whose characters are:

-a goofy, pop-culture obsessed dude from Earth

See, I thought the point of that scene was to show that Cersei is winning back the loyalty of the court with victories. When she was Queen to Robert Baratheon, people would copy her fashion to curry her favor. She used to sneer at Sansa for doing it. Now courtiers and servers are doing it again. She’s back in charge,

Edit to add, because Kinja doesn’t show downthread replies to everyone: The icky racism I was referring to was the blender of Japanese stereotypes that was Daito and Shoto, as well as the egregious reveal of H.