
Grog-Bar, why you no practice with ax? Why do you not go to pillage class?”

“Because father, I don’t want to be an orc pillager. I want to be... a dentist!”

For folks still unsure and voting today or Tuesday, I’m going to make explain why I’m voting for Elizabeth Warren.

And all because Auhghra's son was a total and complete dick to a godlike being that really, really just wanted to go home.

I reject the assumption that “bonded for life” means you have to have like... a daily friendship exchange with someone. I’m bonded for life with people I haven’t talked to in years. There are strangers I’ve met out at a bar that I feel like I bonded to for life even though I’ve never seen them again.

Hopper needed to give Mike the Uncle Phil treatment.

And holy shit, no fucking bullshit.

I’d initially thought a Warren|Harris ticket would be my dream one of the candidates, but a Warren|Castro ticket would be strong, too. (Mind subject to change 24 hours from now.)

Oh my god, this.  To see this many candidates on stage and not calling each other childish names was so refreshing.  It’s why I can’t get the comparison to the GOP’s 2016 primaries.  These are just fundamentally different parties, these days.  The GOP is not a serious party.  The Democrats are.

Agree completely. I wouldn’t be horrified if any one of them ended up as our candidate (except Delaney). It was really nice to get a glimpse of what it might look like to have adults leading the country again.

Yea, there wasn’t bickering or talk of dick size. It was actually a substantive debate about actual policy for the most part. 

Love you to pieces but please no Tulsi Gabbard for Secretary of Defense.

A lot of leaders, and a lot of agreement on the basic policies, with just differences in the details (not that those aren’t important mind you). Made me feel good. 

Here to boost the Gentleman Jack love. Suranne Jones and Sophie Rundle are pitch perfect and Sally Wainwright is the Shonda Rhimes of the UK (everything she touches is must see).
Lister was a complex and courageous character who was also sometimes selfish and unlikable. So...she was basically a person. They don’t shy

There’s more truth here than I was willing to admit.
That’s why putting them together paints a much bigger and better picture than either one on his own.

I imagine either that is covered in the film proper, or that Danny Boyle is a good enough filmmaker that you don’t notice that at one point, Patel drives into a tunnel at noon and comes out the other side at night, or that at another crucial juncture, he’s standing behind an electric fence that later turns out to have

This film strikes me as something that would make an incredible Broadway musical.

I mean, he’s no Jarvis.

And she won an Oscar too! Cheers with a “vodka blush,” I def should have included her

Ruth Gordon was an underappreciated treasure.

I do remember being like “WTF??” in regards to Lyra’s role after Will shows up, and I’m hoping the writers and showrunners will fix that problem.