don't mix them up! :)
don't mix them up! :)
Yeah, it's a really great webcomic - the artist is really brave and insightful. I have never had an ED, but there are huge swathes of it I relate to, like thinking healthy eating = eliminating arbitrary classes of food (something I think you have to work pretty hard to avoid, actually.)
It wasn't like that when I looked earlier. Eeeeenteresting.
I would be very interested in a post about Jewish wedding fast traditions and how modern couples navigate them. But that is not this post.
"She describes herself as "health conscious" but what she actually means is "food terrifed"."
Being five pounds off your goal weight is only a health problem if you're a housecat.
True fact; I have never, ever, once, looked at a wedding picture and thought, 'wow, that bride is porky. She must have not really cared about her wedding!' I suspect most people haven't either.
Shinada, thank you for responding, and congratulations on adopting a healthy lifestyle.
The problem with being "anti-crazy-wedding," as great as it sounds on paper, is that crazy is in the eye of the beholder. There were a lot of things I consciously eschewed when planning my wedding because they sounded/felt crazy to…
Okay, this might be unpopular, and I understand if you ignore it. But I really dislike this post. Like, a lot.
I got married a year ago, and at the time I found there to be quite a bit of anti-wedding bias on the Jezebel editorial staff; a good deal of the wedding-related posts were mocking traditions or, worse,…
So, what? Did we stop burning the totally real witches to be polite???
Hah, you say that. The first year we moved here, I bought my mother a witch ball for Christmas (pretty little glass tchotchke that you hang in the window). She was terrified to hang it up in case it made her a witch. But then my mom is pretty superstitious. She grew up thinking you'd go to hell if you inhaled while…
The PEM is fantastic. I finally saw the Yin Yu Tang house the last time I was there. So much fun!
Yep! And the name of the liquor store comes from the name of the speakeasy that was built during prohibition in the old smuggling tunnels that ran from the wharf to the mansions of the rich shipping owners around Salem Common. Some of the tunnels are still there. Fun fact; Salem was the first city in America to build…
Aww man, I wish I'd known you were here! I live half a block away from Leanne's shop. I could have taken you to the GOOD restaurants.
Fun fact; the witch tourism boom in Salem didn't even really start until the 1970s, when Bewitched filmed its first location episodes here. That's why there's the statue of Samantha in…
I really look forward to seeing how the Ghomeshi truthers explain multiple women spitefully inventing Big Ears Teddy.
Also, thanks a lot for ruining my Moxy Fruvous albums. Dick.
I like that he needed an assist on Ocean of Lard.
There are also reasons to do destination weddings that specifically take into account your friend's needs and finances.
Okay, first off, this is great advice.
I'm a small woman, and I've quite consciously cultivated a low speaking voice when I am at work. I've had many people comment on it when they hear me answer the phone that my voice drops an octave when I am working.