
I know a lot of folks aren’t on board, but seriously, this is my new nerd crush.

Jar Jar was a great character! The way he was developed (with a man in a suit to be CGI painted over) was groundbreaking and paved the way for Gollum, Navi, and other beloved CGI characters. This is why I’ll never call myself a Star Wars fan because you fans are terrible. You think a boring green muppet from the

A someone who studies the psychology of death and dying and bereavement, this is exactly the kind of thing I like. Definitely following this.

So does this game actually make you feel differently about your decisions, or does it just say “this tragic thing happened, this is how you should feel?”

I’m convinced his first editors wrote the best parts of Naruto and then Kishimoto didn’t know what to do with it. He can make interesting powers, but writing for children is something he should let go of. You should not teach girls to stick around guys who treat them like they don’t exist and you should not teach boys

It just so happens you’re the one who don’t know shit about my experience with writing a story. And about you? What do you know? Probably not much, otherwise you would know it is pretty damn clear Kishimoto never had a solid ending to Naruto prepared ahead of time. He had a rough visualization of it at most, something

So what? It is hard, everyone knows that, he knew that when he started. Telling the story is the whole point of all the hard work that comes with it, and the truth is he couldn’t keep it up until the end, which was a responsibility that maybe he never prepared himself for. I mean, he said it himself, and assuming he

“I’ll have one beefcake and one beefsteak.”

It’s like a room full of Gastons! This is glorious!

Am I the only one creeped out by the name "Webdriver Torso"?

A better res photo



It always bugs me a bit when people credit Robotech as being an influential show, especially when all they're really referring to is the Macross saga. "You must be young! You didn't grow up with such an influential show!"

Macross has a good sequels. Robotech doesn't.

Here in the 80's it was called Robotech. This is what we grew up knowing it as and what it will always be.

Yes, that was a "Wait what?" moment for me as well. Greatest sick pedophilic obsession story of the 20th century, yes, but.