
The first story you link admits

Too bad, I loved that grass and water final evolution concept art. Cancel

How about we do the same thing that Star Trek did and actually write realistic sexual content that humanity has dealt with throughout various cultures? Rape or not rape, stop lying and hiding from reality. The only way to survive as a species is to endure. If you pretend people don’t get raped, then you are at greater

Jar Jar was a great character! The way he was developed (with a man in a suit to be CGI painted over) was groundbreaking and paved the way for Gollum, Navi, and other beloved CGI characters. This is why I’ll never call myself a Star Wars fan because you fans are terrible. You think a boring green muppet from the

So she wasn’t a girl, then what was she?

But if he is cut content, then we only get a taste by stumbling on to him. We already have evidence he exists. You could say he was aborted. It is the artistic genius that we can love a character that isn’t really there.

All I care about is Sasuke getting power.

This should be interesting - the temporary rape bothers you but the irreversible mutilation in Human Centipede does not?

I’m convinced his first editors wrote the best parts of Naruto and then Kishimoto didn’t know what to do with it. He can make interesting powers, but writing for children is something he should let go of. You should not teach girls to stick around guys who treat them like they don’t exist and you should not teach boys

No, it was definitely a clusterfuck. Naruto was about this, then it was about that, then it was gray morality and was Naruto really fighting on the “good” side, and then all of the sudden anything Naruto does is right, then don’t fight alone, then the guy who said that goes fighting alone, then its about keeping

Glenn Beck has a lot of good points but storytelling is not something he seems to get at all. I think he should take a cultural anthroplogy and linguistics class to ease his worry and restore his faith in the human race.

I wonder if the film just never added anyone who wanted to Xbox. . .