Sarah Mas

I love her, I love GBBO, I love Mary Berry, I love Mel and Sue, I love Nadiya, I JUST LOVE BAKEOFF SO MUCH SOB SOB SOB

I'm a mog! Part man, part dog. I'm my own best friend.

I know they don't sound the way you planned them to be.

V for Vendetta. I fell asleep.

So you're asserting everyone reacts badly to MSG? Because I don't.

That was a far more thoughtful answer than I expected to get.

OK wait. Why did all the vampires just laugh and flash their fangs at the douchebag? Why didn't any of them actually eat him? Man that just really takes away from the credibility of the whole film. I bets it's not even based on a true story.

For any substance, you can find someone who reacts negatively to it. But MSG definitely gets an undeserved bad rep from people who have no business claiming it's the cause of their woes. It's like how suddenly everyone has to be gluten free or dairy free or sugar free or whatever.

Wow, that's like finding out your friend Joe Target's grampa founded Target.

I was almost as surprised that the trailer for this looked not horrible (how's that for a rousing vote of confidence) as I was that I actually enjoyed Boss Baby. What a world.

I forgot about this, and I am now a laughing crying emoji

This shoulda been covered during Chicago week.

That (along with your other comments above and below) is exactly why I didn't grace you with a coherent response. Fucking meatball.

He will always be Agador Spartacus to me. (As well as Moe and Chief Wiggum etc, of course)

I fucking loved this movie, maybe because my expectations were so low. I couldn't believe how much I was enjoying it. I read the entire thing as being from the 7yo's point of view, with all of it being an allegory for how a very imaginative kid comes to terms with his new baby brother, and not what actually happened.

OMG you're a fucking idiot.

When I watched There Will Be Blood, I totally rooted for Daniel Plainview when he was beating the shit (and life) out of Eli. Which I am sure says something about me and my black, black soul.

Great article.

Oh yeah she's only been nominated for 3 Tony awards and won one, what a failure.

I saw it with my favorite sister and my toddler, and the second I realized what Anna was going to do I lost it. LOST IT. Pure emotional manipulation and I completely and happily fell for it.