Sarah Mas

I thought he spontaneously combusted?

I LOVE sleight of hand. I know I'm getting fooled and it is just completely delightful to me. I have no desire to learn the secrets because I don't want to lose the … sorry. The magic.

He's also Really. Fucking. Handsome. I hadn't ever thought much about him; then I met him at a movie premiere (2011-ish) and instantly knew why he landed so many hot women. What seems to come across as a little gangly and awkward on TV is like a fucking Michaelangelo sculpture in person.

Who could remotely be naive enough for this to be some kind of revelation?

All of the above plus Bruddah Iz, Chasing Amy, and the soundtrack from RENT.

I live 2 blocks away from Lolla and it was fucking brutal. I don't blame them at all.

The tap solo in Elton's I Think I'm Gonna Kill Myself

I need a c-o-o-l

My child ate everything I put in front of him until he turned 14 months old, and then stopped eating anything. He would go an entire day eating half a slice of bread. I did everything "right" in that he always just ate what I was eating, but it didn't work.

Elton John. Stadium, acoustic, with Billy Joel, in Vegas, with family, with friends, and once by myself. At least a dozen shows. Usually in the lawn; closest I got was 6th row. I just love him.

Dead to me.

Brown chicken brown cow

My brother watched Okja and his series of texts over the course of watching were:
has (my 5yo) seen Okja?
Hmm, a few f-bombs.
Maybe there's a g-rated version.
It turns extremely black and absurdist.
Ok never mind not a kids' film.

If they're actually interacting with each other, this is a huge break from Princess branding. There were very strict rules about the Princesses never looking at each other or talking to each other - always facing forward in group pics, for example. They lived in different universes (please ignore the conspiracy

I do not think it gets enough credit, ever.

I loved Stranger Things but it had so many flaws. Not best show worthy.

We totally still have melamine cups that were a giveaway from the Funny Face drinks, but by the time we got them he had already changed to Choo Choo Cherry. It's actually kind of surprising they changed it back in the day.

Ha! :)

She looks like Elaine Benes stoned.

She's the fucking worst. She ruins every movie she's in. Why do people like her?!