Sarah Mas

Chicago thin crust or GTFO

I was starting to get nervous that Tommy Boy wasn't going to be covered, considering that is the GREATEST FUCKING MOVIE OF ALL TIME.

I loved all the ESL in this column. Adorable.

The Wild Kratts theme song. Can't imagine my house is the only one.

I'm throwing Planned-Parenthood-level side-eye at that video because it was filmed/promoted by PETA (insane domestic terrorists) and TMZ (scum sucking leeches). Frankly, I believed the producer's letter of explanation in THR more than I believed the context of that video clip.

I couldn't roll my eyes any harder if I tried.

Because the Pixar theory is fucking stupid.

I mean lots of offense to the creator of the theory! I think he's an idiot.

The theory is dumb. Yes the films are "connected" but not via an all-encompassing universe. The cross-film appearances are no more than hidden Mickeys.

That is a lot of analysis of the Chipmunks.

I hated that show; found it completely boring and obvious. I stuck it out to the bitter end but have no idea why it was so well-received.

More evidence Wisconsin is full of idiots.

I love Princess and the Frog and think it's totally underrated.

Yeah, I made it up, 9 years later on an AV Club message board. You got me.

What? Whatever. You're crazy. They're adorable.

I first had them in 2007 in Belgium and it was love at first crunch. Amazing.

Then you've clearly never tries a fry & frosty combo. It's… I dunno it's different. So freaking good.

That made me want to hurl. May as well eat a bar of soap.

That wasn't funny. And it also completely characterized Sox fans, not Cubs fans. North side bros are all voting for Bernie. #lame

I was gobsmacked (in the days before IMDB) to realize the other sister was Marty Maraschino.