Sarah Mas

OMG my sophomore year… I feel like there would have been a lot more mugging for the camera in my school. And uniforms. And, only girls.

Only if Janet comes back too!

Aaaaaaaaahhhh I still miss this show and these characters - the final goodbye just made me tear up at work. :'(

My urethra hurts just thinking about that first letter. Your little finger?! OW NO THANK YOU

Maybe the writer is like me and has never seen an old timey western. I don't think of Blazing Saddles as a parody because i have no knowledge of the source material… it wasn't until I started reading the comments that I was like, huh. Guess it is a parody.

Are you a tiny little baby millennial or have you forgotten the syndicated show Puttin' on the Hits from the mid-80s, when lip sync really became a thing? I still remember the guy who did Werewolves of London in a costume that made it look like he was riding a werewolf's shoulders, and he made the werewolf's mouth

Seeing the leading pic, I knew I'd soon be losing respect for whichever AV Club writer named that pile of steaming pseudo-scientific bullshit as a positive influence. I bet Mike Vago believes Facebook memes too.

For me it was watching Defending Your Life (I may have even told this story on these message boards before). The concept that fear is what really holds us back from becoming our best selves was a fucking watershed for me. And it made me really think about the kind of person I was, how I treated people, and in general

Looks like they listened to you

That story is a nightmare.

My brother gave me Infinite Jest for Christmas. I said that's not a gift, it's a challenge. So there's my resolution, I guess.

Completely agree! You and I are just about alone in our assessment though here at AV Club - look at the thread full of love for her trailing behind here. She was just awful.

Oh come on. Asian or not she was obnoxiously flighty. I couldn't have dealt with her for 30 minutes in person.

No way! I'm not the one getting bonked in the face.

Oh bite yer tongue on Dinosaurs! I just introduced my 3 year old to Baby Sinclair and he's been bonking my husband in the face yelling NOT THE MAMA. How can you put a price on the value of that cultural reference?

Me too! I've been hearing about it, and just started watching on Netflix and I am entranced. It's just so pleasant! Even when they suck, everyone is just so pleasant.

No My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss?? That show was hilarious! So low brow. Such gross contestants. So dumb and hilarious. My husband and I were legitimately bummed when they bailed on it halfway through the season.

Mine was ages ago, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Not because it was too scary, but in the scene where he and his partner break into a home and attack the family, then the partner kills the mother by breaking her neck and THEN starts trying to kiss and assault her, I was completely horrified and repulsed. Turned

"It's Feb on the Frog" OMG snort

I can't believe you missed Tom Skilling (illustrious weatherman for WGN Channel 9 in Chicago/local hero/aka Fucking Tom Skilling) and Jeff Skilling (Former CEO of Enron/Scam Artist/Jailbird). Oh wait. Yeah, I would've skipped them too.