Sarah Mas

Dude. Now I want to know why Cathy doesn't eat breakfast!

I didn't get to play any games - I was the second to last person to come on down and the guy next to me one-dollared what would have been my winning bid. I won $300 cash so woo hoo!

I was 8.5 months pregnant when I got to Come On Down (Lumber On Down?), I think I would have crushed the poor crowd had I tried that.

Not sarcastic at all. When he's lying on the table bound in the plastic wrap, to me, he is MCH's twin. The freeze frame on the linked video is a good example.

Does she also smell like gasoline?

I just really hated the serial killer storyline. I couldn't swallow it at all. To me it took away from all the real, heart-wrenching emotion the series had generated in the first our seasons. There were parts of the season that rang true, both positive (Bubbles) and negative (Dukie), but I couldn't get past the

2014 was the year of The Wire for me. Although I hated the last season, I got completely caught up in the series up until then. Amazing television.

The reason for this is pretty straightforward… losing a parent is the one trauma kids of all ages can really identify with and understand. It's a theme that resonates.

@Molly: Thank you for confirming my opinion of American Hustle! It was terrible! Boring, stupid, convoluted, not remotely entertaining. Amy Adams was the only high point. Why on earth did it get so many Oscar nominations? Was its machine really that powerful?

As a 1974 baby and therefore one who quite literally grew up with Sesame, I was prepared to hate the new incarnation my baby son would be exposed to. I even bought the 40 years dvd and only watched that with him at first - and he loves the old stuff, so victory for me. But you know what? I love the new stuff too. It's

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, now I am crying.

I have a signed pic (I'm looking at it right now) of me with Ron Santo, Randy Hundley, and Mike Pyle (Bears veteran). I got the pic one summer and then got Santo's and Hundley's autographs at spring training. Still need to find a way to meet Mike Pyle. It sounds cheesy but, for this born Cubs fan, it's one of my most

Can we do a list of extremely relevant TV soundtracks now - specifically Fame and Kids From Fame? I played those cassettes until they wore out.