
Big brother seems to have the same powers as Captain Spirit. That’s probably as far as the “connection” goes. It’ll probably be a 400 Days type situation where 90% of the DLC (or, in this case, free episode) doesn’t really impact the main game at all.

“Hey dude, come check out this game I’m embarrassed to be playing and am trying to hide!”

It’s honestly a bit sad that Jordan Vogt-Roberts (essentially just a fan at this point, since until we get a trailer for the Metal Gear movie it’s best to assume it’s not happening) did a whole lot more to celebrate Metal Gear’s anniversary than Konami, the company that fucking created it, ever did. Did Konami do

How do you know it didn’t happen? Have you seen the footage?

Well, as a matter of fact, we don’t know all the facts! It’s literally a “he said she said” type of situation, the cop’s account versus the husband’s. Unless we see the video or it has been examined in court I don’t think we can possibly know all the facts.

I think a lot of it has to do with agenda pushing. You’ll notice that, from time to time, certain games that disappointed a lot of fans tend to review universally highly (ex. Skyward Sword), while others that a lot of people enjoyed (ex. Detroit) are universally panned. When I say agenda pushing I don’t necessarily

Granted, I personally didn’t love all of it. I think there were some chapters that just fell completely flat, and some storylines that didn’t go anywhere at all. But to claim that I, or any of the actual “super-fans” hate most of the game as opposed to love most of the game is ridiculous. 

I hope one of those changes is removing Corpse Run. I genuinely can’t remember the last time I saw anything remotely good from that dark, humorless pit.

Did... Did you just plagiarize Vantair’s comment?

Well played, sir. Well played.

As someone who’s been in the game’s subreddit pretty much since announcement day... No we fucking don’t. The community’s support for Detroit has been astonishing. I’ve been in several subreddits dedicated to specific games or franchises (like God of War or Assassin’s Creed), and I have to say that Detroit is by far

Question - if there’s really such a “culture of sexism” there with no room to growth and constant misogyny and disparagement, why are any women working there? At the last company I worked for my boss literally threatened to rape me. Literally. R-word. So you know what I did? I booted my ass right out of here, because

A lot of the comics here have ups and downs week to week, which makes sense - you can’t do creative work literally every single week (often more than once) and expect it to be good. Penny Arcade are sometimes really lazy with their jokes and art and come across as a mere imitation of their former self, but other times

Huh, Corpse Run releasing a comic with no joke in it, imagine that.

Y’know what? Good on Epic. 30% is ridiculous. Steam also takes 30% and every developer that matters has complained about it, with some choosing to sell their games outside Steam just for this reason (like Notch and “Minecraft”). But when Epic does it I guess this is somehow “greedy”, judging by the comments? What?

This continues to be a big problem in comics to this day - it seems that many authors are finding it hard to write characters different from themselves (be it a different gender, race, sexual orientation, etc) without making them perfect and boring. Riri Williams is a great example - in theory I’m fine with the idea

I’ve always maintained that Skyward Sword isn’t an adventure game like advertised - it’s an environmental puzzle game. And if you love environmental puzzles to the point of wishing there was a whole game with little else but them, then you’ve hit the jackpot, but with combat being highly unsatisfying (and novel) and

Given that it’s still being updated with new story content as well as DLC, it wouldn’t surprise me if it has an entire open world chapter in the World of Ruin by the time FFXVI comes out.

Bioshock: Infinite made the same mistake that a lot of other story-driven shooters do, including the otherwise brilliant The Last of Us - believing that a player’s attention will simply not be held unless there’s a shootout every 5 minutes. So generally the pacing of the game is enemy encounter > a few minutes of

At this point I feel like too many people skipped Andromeda for a direct sequel to make any sense. The fun part of Mass Effect is your choices carrying into each installment. Even if the sequel is the dopest shit ever conceived by made, a large part of the enjoyment will be lost when you need to either first play

I disagree. The 2005 series, while technically in the same continuity as the old series, is pretty standalone, with concrete callbacks to the old show (as in, actual characters and plotlines that happened rather than, say, races or concepts) can be counted on the fingers of one hand. And if 10 seasons are too much for