
What that revenge might look like remains unclear

Heck, I think the PSP still has it’s shop up still.

Can those who have purchased it previously still download it? Because I remember that in the early days of the 3DS and Wii U once something was gone it was gone. Not sure if Nintendo have patched that hole in their system.

I’m generally against such steep punishments for hacking because, well, it’s a fucking videogame, and I wouldn’t ever want to see anyone’s life ruined because they cheated in a videogame. However, in Korea online games are a national sport, so I imagine the punishments are just as severe as when an athlete is caught

Article: God of War is getting a lot of patches


I’d argue that a lot of it is filler. Nobody wants to be killing Odin ravens or collecting enchantments from legendary chests that you’re never gonna use. Though with that said, even if it’s 40% filler, the remaining 60% is still pretty damn massive.

And what I’m trying to explain is that you only have the mindset of “Sexualization of children is wrong” because you’ve been raised all your life in a culture where literally everyone you’ve ever known has told you that sexualization of children is wrong. If you had grown up in a culture where sexualization of

What substance?

I’m quietly LOLing imagining someone using the verb “LOLing” in 2018.

We, as Westerners, are raised to believe that sexualization of children is wrong. They, as Easterners, are raised to believe that sexualization children is okay. These opinions literally stem from absolutely nothing else other than our own upbringing and moral values. Neither is objectively “right” or “wrong” - it all

I have no idea how to operate that website. Why can’t they just put all 16k sound effects in an archive and upload that?

While I agree with pretty much everything you said in the article (Niflheim is SO fucking good - I played this game for 4 days until I completed everything I cared about, and one of them was mostly dedicated to Niflheim), there are two things I need to point out. First and foremost, while much of the side content is

Hurr durr something something racism.

You’re speaking as if the goal of the American prison system is to rehabilitate and treat its inmates rather than turn in a profit.

Man, it’s so weird that you’re still unable to comprehend the very simple point I’m making.

I’m not arguing against changing the word in-game because, quite frankly, it absolutely does not matter one bit. I’m mostly commenting on the author taking the use of “insane” as some kind of insult against mentally ill people, which it’s absolutely not.

Refer to my earlier explanation on why they were not, and how they are communicating something entirely different from your conclusion.

Imagine a world where both are right. It’s almost like each individual culture has its own set of morals and values, and judging an entire society through our own moral kaleidoscope is an exercise in futility.  

You’re looking too deep into it. Keep in mind that “The Sims” is a game primarily intended for children and very young teens. Kids don’t associate the word “insane” with mental illness, they associate it with funny, erratic characters whose behavior is inexplicably random. When a kid sees a “crazy” character (like Ben

It wouldn’t surprise me if we got a release date of Spring 2019 for Days Gone (March-April). That’s where I’d put my bet. BG&2... That’s anyone’s guess.