Do you happen to know if the PS4 cross buy means I can download it for PS4?
Do you happen to know if the PS4 cross buy means I can download it for PS4?
Same. People on Reddit downvoted me for saying the Ultimate Edition’s not worth it because there will be an Ultimate-er Edition released physically on disc. Take your downvotes and shove them, Reddit!
Well, yeah, but think of it this way - unless you buy the game at launch there won’t be any DLC. Resident Evil 7, as far as I know, wasn’t meant to have any more DLC beyond the free “Not a Hero” expansion which was supposed to wrap the story up, but thanks to its sales far surpassing expectations the team was able to…
As a fellow Bulgarian I’m very happy to see artists from my country being showcased. Ours are some of the best on a global scale, which is just about the only good thing about Bulgaria I stand by. With more and more Bulgarian game development studios popping up, hopefully we’ll see more here in the near future.
At this point it might have just been better to not acknowledge it at all. Thanking him in such a non-personal manner is almost insulting.
Japan has a history of being more conservative than the West (gay, trans and black people are seen as humorous oddities to be mocked and caricatured rather than as something normal), to the point where some celebrities have shown up for events in Nazi uniforms. It really shouldn’t come as a surprise that it’s got…
Guys, just because you get paid shit for being a sanctimonious asshat doesn’t mean women on average have to earn less then men on average for doing the same job.
You said what most of us were thinking.
Woman here. The wage gap doesn’t exist, and I’m sorry you’ve found yourself in a situation that made you believe it does. Ask for a raise or look for better employment, if you have any. For the record, updating your Tumblr blog is a hobby, not a full-time job.
In my playthrough they would end their streak of heists and robberies before it even begins because they’d be intelligent enough to understand how statistics work and that the wage gap doesn’t actually exist.
You know, this isn’t even the first time he’s done this exact same experiment - he once used hypnosis and subtle psychological manipulation in an attempt to brainwash a dude into becoming an assassin (look up his “The Assassin” experiment, should be on YouTube if you don’t feel like VPN-ing to watch it on the awful…
Oh, look, a Jezebel writer outraged over something despite the fact that she has absolutely no idea what the fuck she’s even talking about. Been a little while since I’ve seen one in the wild.
Why MLK though? The game would’ve been so much more interesting if it focused on JFK instead. And why have you be a passive observer when you can instead be the gunman that pulls the trigger? Pfft, nah, I’m just shitposting, there’s no way anyone would actually make a game like... Oh.
I wasn’t super happy with the remake of “Final Fantasy Adventure” (which is actually the first part of the Mana series), “Adventures of Mana”. For nearly a decade I believed that if Square just made an exact remake of “Adventure” with updated graphics rather than the unnecessary reimagining that was “Sword of Mana” it…
Funny seeing Assassin’s Creed in there considering the fact that the Chronicles games are literally that.
Okay, first of all, “it’s always been this way, so why change it” is a thoroughly flawed philosophy. JRPGs have always had random encounters, Zelda games have always been silent or with made-up languages, Metal Gear Solid has never been truly open world. Doesn’t mean that there’s no room for improvement, which newer…
I’d love to be wrong, but I sincerely doubt they’d be able to get Tom Hanks to reprise Woody, so some recasts at least will need to happen.
Wakandans speaking isiXhosa, a South African language known for its tongue clicks
No, they’re not. Nothing against comic books - I’m a huge comic book nerd myself, and if your kid wants to read comics, by all means they should be allowed to. But they are in no way substitutes for real books, which enhance basic skills that all child needs such as reading comprehension, language skills and…