Mermaid Warrior

Eh, I dunno about the hardness thing. We've seen multiple varieties of quartz on the show (Jasper, Rose, and Amethyst) and they all seem to be at different levels on the totem pole. (well, we don't know for sure about Amethyst)

Since Gems can shapeshift, there might be some variation. Peridot does call Pearl "fancy". I'm wondering if the gemstones ever look different. Like, do some Pearls have round gems, or gems in other colors?


In the full theme song, Garnet sings that she fights for Earth because it's where she can live as she is. My theory is that most of the Gems who joined Rose were outcasts or nonconforming in some way, and they fought to have Earth as a sanctuary for Gems like them.

Yeah, the theme song seems to fit with Rose the most, at least so far. I think it's Rose singing to Steven. She probably has some dirt in her past, and her fight for Earth might've been part of some redemption thing for her. From what we saw in the flashback episode where she and Greg are working on their

My theory is that Pearl was assigned/given to Rose, but Rose treated her as any other Gem, not as a slave or as property. And that's why Pearl fell in love with her.

Since Homeworld society appears to be hierarchical, it's no surprise that they might have "luxuries" such as, well, slaves, for the higher-ups. (Peridot laughs at the idea of her "having" a Pearl, which seems to indicate that they're reserved for certain Gems) Peridot refers to Pearl as an exceptionally elegant model,

It seems that size correlates with power, and only stronger Gems can sustain larger forms. Maybe it's more difficult to create lots of large Gems. If you go with the theory that different Gems are created for different jobs, a Gem like Peridot doesn't really need to be strong, just smart.

When Garnet fused back together in "Jail Break", her new design was a different color.

Gems regenerate all the time, it's not that confusing.

Well, in the old photo we see Amethyst with long hair. She's probably changed her style multiple times and went back to long hair because of Greg.

I've always suspected that our Amethyst eats more because she grew up on Earth and thus was more influenced by human society that the other Crystal Gems were. I've wondered if Amethyst may have interacted with humans before Rose, Garnet, and Pearl found her.

I was wondering when the show was going to address the meat thing.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the first few episodes, but the show REALLY starts to shine after that.

My guess is that they might be strategists. Pearl is a perfectionist and extremely intelligent, she's always the one planning things.

I guessed early on that there are probably duplicates of each gemstone. I mean, if there are thousands and thousands of Gems at Homeworld and other places, there aren't enough gemstones for that. Theory backed up by the "a Pearl" lines. Plus, it makes sense considering that Gems are created and grown. Some of Pearl's

So what has Vidalia done in those slippers?

I think it's feasible that Amethyst might not recognize Sour Cream as Vidalia's son, but even if she did, she might not have had reason to bring it up.

And a lot of the residents don't even seem to know about it in the first place.

Also, Vidalia's paintings show Amethyst in the look she had at the start of the show, so obviously she had seen Amethyst like that at some point. (one of the previews shows we're going to have a flashback episode from when Steven was a younger kid, and Amethyst is wearing a different outfit) She probably would've last