Mermaid Warrior

It's not uncommon for networks to have different rules for different shows. Sometimes shows that are more popular are allowed to get away with more risque content, cause the network doesn't want to piss off the creator. (though this can also work the opposite way, where less popular shows get away with more because

It's not clear to what extent this goes, but the show seems to suggest that the history of the SU world is a bit different from ours. In addition to some name changes, the US dollar bill has a diamond as well as a cut-up snake. Since the Earth in the show has had to deal with the presence of magical space aliens, it

But even before putting on the crown, we see photos of Simon with a scientific parasite in his pocket. The catalyst comet is a regularly occurring thing, as far as we know, it's not something that is summoned. The bomb appears to be magical in nature, perhaps harnessing the power of the Lich, and it's what most likely

The Gem in the hologram didn't have any lines, so she wouldn't have been credited if she were Jasper. Her helmet looks different anyway, but yeah, I had to do a double-take.

True, but they do take feminine forms and pronouns, so to the average viewer, they're a lesbian couple.

Eh, did the show ever confirm that Jasper was made in a Kindergarten? It's a popular theory, since Jasper and Amethyst share some similarities, but I don't think the show has confirmed it just yet.

Weirdly, the show has got me interested in geology. Got me a guide to gemstones, interesting stuff.

You'd be surprised at how much people can go into denial when it comes to same-sex relationships on kid shows. Up until VERY recently, shows with gay couples would do a plausible deniability thing where a character could be interpreted as gay, but it's never shown or stated directly. People are used to that, so some

Last time we had a "Steven Bomb", we got a lot of big revelations. I'm wondering if there's gonna be more crazy stuff in the next few episodes. This one was pretty intense.

Considering the buildup, I would've liked a little more closure on certain things. I'm not disappointed, though, cause I a lot of the stuff is probably gonna come again in future episodes.

One of the episodes has Finn dreaming where he's in the bottom of the ocean and the comet is there. Some interpret this as meaning his comet landed in the ocean. What if his comet was the one that started life on Earth?

I started wondering that after "Evergreen" established the existence of a Candy Wizard in prehistoric times. He strongly resembles Princess Bubblegum.

Martin is going to become a cosmic being, that will probably have some long-term consequences.

Yeah, the show does seem to be forshadowing that. KoO has only been princess for one episode and he's already proven not to be a good leader.

And at the end of the "Lemonhope" episodes, we see him walk through a lifeless and derelict Candy Kingdom, one that looks more advanced than the one we know but still clearly the Candy Kingdom. What happened?

And the future shown is still like, eeriely lifeless. Very few living creatures, even animals, are seen. The Candy People are alive, but appear to be kept in some kind of hibernation. Why? What happened?

I thought the theme was holes. Dammit.

And at the end of the "Lemonhope" two-parter, Lemonhope is walking around a similar world, with the abandoned Candy Kingdom and tall treehouse and everything. But the Ice Kingdom appears to be gone, unlike in this episode.

I totally want to see more episodes where Steven and Connie play in the room. Even if they're just little side jokes or something. Using the room to play is totally something kids would do, like Steven using the Lion for storage.

It's mostly the case with Steven. Not only is he still learning to use his powers, he's an unique being and the extent and types of his powers aren't even known by the other Gems.