My only context for XXXTentacion is a terrible one. I first became aware of him several months ago, after reading…
My only context for XXXTentacion is a terrible one. I first became aware of him several months ago, after reading…
Even when removing race from the equation—you can’t and you shouldn’t, but let’s try for a moment anyway—Serena…
Nah, she (Baldwin) lifted the idea from Huny. You don’t get that much similarity out of nowhere. The fucking graphic styles are the same. Fuck CNN.
You know what...We, black folk, need to start being as ruthless and as“don’t give a fuck” as wypipo are. As much as I hate their racism and bigotry and all the other fuckery they get up to, you have to admire (hate to use this word) their self-preservation and out-and-out selfishness.
Not to mention, Rosetta Tharpe *just* being added to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame - a stupid institution that would not exist had she not fucking INVENTED Rock & Roll.
Because they said, “Well, it already exists, but what’s a black woman gonna do? SUE us?” Then they all laughed and high-fived. Then someone else thoughtfully added, “Besides, isn’t doing a documentary about only black women and calling it ‘American Woman’ just old-fashioned reverse racism? I mean, come on! All lives…
I’m sure their legal department vets every project for exactly stuff like this. Someone made this decision with full knowledge. Not necessarily the producer or creator, but somebody knew, and decided to go ahead anyway.
CNN is worth 10 billion. Who thinks they don’t have employees just for stuff like this? Somebody knew what they were doing and decided to go ahead.
Reminds me of Elvis singin’ Hound Dog, four goddanged years after Big Mama Thornton had already made it a hit song.
I can’t say it was intentional, but it looks bad. I don’t want Huny to be blacklisted, so there’s that.
Example number #2000937161 of why more networks and companies need people of color in positions of power and influence;
Columbus strikes again
Reminds me of how Netflix stole Reina Gossett’s work on Marsha Johnson’s life. Now I’m curious if the organization she received her grant from can help her litigate or find a way to protect her project.
There would be no Elvis without this process. So, yeah...
Right? This is the intersection of appropriation, (in the same way that I got caught “appropriating” a pack of Now n’ Laters from the store when I was 8,) and pure, distilled Beckery.
Damon, dear, they KNEW exactly what they were doing. They KNEW that they wouldn’t be challenged. THEY FUCKING KNEW IT. White folks being doing this for centuries. And why, dear, are you not stating the fact that they stole this from Huny? This is theft in its basic form. Same ol’ shit different toilet. I will give YOU…
When we launched The Root 100 in 2009, it was the perfect time to celebrate black excellence. The arrival of the…