sarah huny young

This is a great article. I wish there were more comments by women not of color. It pains me to see us not stand together on this site as much as we say we do.

Gorgeous! I’ve really loved the art featured on The Root, thanks for bringing this forth.

Huny is an O.G. on the Internet!

omg I know her... not like know her know her, but I used to follow her twitter way back in the day. I am so happy and excited for her!

Nah, the fact you felt the need to come here and say that is scary and sad.

OMG fuck off

Great project!

Your ignorance is scary and sad.

Ooh, I’ve got a pic for him!

Yes, lets get it!! HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!

*Says “Damn!” in a way which doesn’t perpetuate the hypersexualization of black women by white men*

African women have been show ponies for as long as I know myself. I’m over it! And I appreciate this young woman’s attempt to add the African woman to the many faces of the America which long ago disregarded her.

Decided I’m just going to post this in response to ignorance

Hey, thanks for mansplaining black women beauty to all us Root readers! Yours is a take we’ve all been waiting on. Thanks!

I think it should represent all types of women. My daughters are biracial. Here in Asia people believe that American means white. I teach my students that Americans can be from anywhere including here. It’s a hard sell though. People believe what they have been taught. So keep up the good work!

Those women all looked healthy to me.

Nobody cares about your boner.

You can’t see someone’s health by looking at them. Also, you don’t get to judge someone based on their health.

You ain’t know their BMI. You ain’t know their health.