
You have to learn to talk like an evangelist and start telling people how Trump is a false idol and is leading people into damnation by getting them to reject the grace of Jesus Christ all in the name of Christianity. Trump support is the mark of the beast. You can lie about it all you want to people, God knows

It’s not a stroke. It’s some of the symptoms of Parkinson’s. Not all people with Parkinson’s shake, but you see Trump taking those baby steps on the ramp, using two hands with the water, unable to stand still at Arlington, that micrographic signature because his hand won’t move correctly.... That whole rocking back

I find it pretty gross that a bunch of toxic men with a vested interest in her destruction and a bitter ex-wife make a slew of salacious, baseless allegations about her sticking her ex in a meat grinder, and people have just up and bought it wholesale that it must be the truth.

Real talk: I make six figures but am 40 years old and STILL paying off my student loans, and currently won’t be able to completely be rid of them until I am almost 50. I live in DC and the cost of living here is INSANE. My husband and I do very well salary wise but we have very little in savings and all our “wealth”

“We’re not anti-vaxxers,” he told me. “We’re ex-vaxxers. If you could prove that there are safe vaccines, we’d take them. But they can’t.”

I seldom if ever comment on these threads, so you know Imma get serious about this garbage brand. I worked for VS years ago, and that company is trash from the ground up: trash quality, trash treatment of employees, trash leadership, and an outdated m.o. that seriously needs to get with the 21st Century. (Did you know

Old people.  A couple of times now, I’ve gotten calls from people who got auto-dial calls that spoofed my number.  They called me thinking that it was a legit call, because they are from the generation in which phone calls meant something.  They also had a hard time accepting my explanation that no, I didn’t call

As I tell my kids all the time, nothing really great is easy.  Having kids, to me, is great, and it’s also the hardest thing I’ve ever done or likely ever will do.  

That’s literally not how these devices work. It’s virtually impossible to make them a constant spying device. Regardless, there are a ton of other devices you carry with you at all times that are much easier to make into recording devices.

Ok so I have herpes. I had a single breakout ten years ago that was almost negligible. The only reason I even was tested was it was follow up to an STD test for a rape. I’ve been married 7 years and my husband has never had a single symptom. Maybe take the hysteria down a notch. 

Do not fall for the Follow Your Bliss bullshit. Do not look for your job to fulfill your emotional needs. It’s a paycheck. You owe them a day’s work and they owe you a paycheck. That’s it.

No. Make the United States a place where a woman doesn’t have to choose between shelter and supporting her child. If we had stronger social safety nets and more pro-family policies, women would be less likely to choose adoption.

Aging white men = target audience for awards shows. No wonder it won everything.

Emma Watson tried this same defense too when Beauty and the Beast came out. “But this version is totally not shitty to women because this time Belle stands up to the Beast!”

My rule: if I paid at a counter, I’m not tipping. Neither should these kids unless they’re sitting down with a menu, getting actual table service and paying at the end.

I heard a great piece of advice recently for how to handle disagreements and that is when it starts up have each person rate the importance on a scale of 1-10. A lot of the time we will not want to give up our side of an argument just because we want to win or we think we are right. 

I just saw this in the latest issue of Cook’s Illustrated, though they picked frozen cranberries and oranges for their fruits.

Actually, I think we should discourage boys from playing them

Khalsa, who had previously toured with the Red Hot Chili Peppers