
Yes, this is great advice. In the last few years, I’ve picked up on the idea that I need/my partner needs to communicate how important is this to you? It has solved quite a few logistical arguments by something as simple as “this sounds a lot more important to you than to me, I’ll defer to your judgement on this”.

That’s how I heard it as well. He takes a lot of pride in his work and believed in the “survivor” concept as an educational opportunity, as opposed to entertainment. I think he has earned the right to be a little salty that the genre has been watered down. 

Now playing

Challenge accepted...I love this one (but I love the original more)

This is coming at a great time, my 12 year old is so high strung over any attempts at correction. Everything is filled with drama and quickly spirals into “you hate me!!! I wish I wasn’t born, etc...”
My husband has a PhD in Lecture, but I raised in the “my way or the highway” school of we’re often not

I couldn’t get into the show but I do find the podcast a little scary when I’m listening to it at night, in bed, alone (but only under those circumstances). I like to listen to podcasts before going to bed, but that one gave me the “someone is under your bed” feeling too much.

I live in a pho desert and have had some success with making pho ga with my pressure just throwing that out there for anyone in the same situation. I also freeze the broth for later.
I didn’t find any easy-t0-read online recipe, but the manual from my multicooker (which inclues the recipe) is online here:

This is really “to taste”. I *think* I keep the cayenne to under 1tsp but maybe start smaller and build? I will taste my batter as I go. I go a bit bigger on the cinnamon, maybe 1/2c. Sorry, I’ve never actually measured. I could be way off, but start with a little and just add until you like the taste, maybe even a

Thank you for the tip! I like to add cinnamon and a little cayenne to mine. It reminds me of Mexican hot chocolate (Abuelita) 

I don’t know, I have been getting mine from Costco and I have not looked for them in a few months. This would be very disappointing :(

Ooooh! I’ll play...I’m big on scratch baking

Thank you for this inspiration! I have an almost 4 year old daughter, who is built like me (meat on the bones type). I have two sons, both older and built like linebackers, and I have no idea what I’m going to do for my daughter. My sons get all the praise for being “strong”, “healthy”, and “manly”. I know the fat

I see your point, and the only context I could imagine this in was based on my own experiences, not that of the royal family. I’m sure there’s a vast difference between having a family gathering and having dinner at Buckingham Palace, which is obviously more than capable at handling various food likes/dislikes. 

I don’t know? Family is different and I generally try to be a good guest and not be overly particular. I have life-threatening allergies to seafood, but beyond that, I don’t show up to my diabetic grandparent’s house and insist on them making me carb heavy meals. Hell, even when I throw a non-potluck party at my own

Yes, is this very different than most people’s lives? You are a guest for a meal so: their house, their menu ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

The last retail job I had was at Blockbuster (I’m an old) and there was a similar rash of robberies going in the area where a few individuals would come in and stuff garbage bags of DVDs and CDs, then walk out. Blockbuster management was very clear that we were to do nothing, but stay calm and try to note any details

In 1987, in Las Vegas, my mother suffered an injury after being encouraged to go down a water slide head first. The force of her head hitting the water at the end caused her to black out as well as suffer from some pretty awful whiplash. This set off a chain of events which ended with her paralyzed from a stroke which

She spent the bulk of her youth (ages 5 - 19) in the French court as a bride-in-waiting to the Dauphin. She most certainly would have spoken with a French accent. Your other points are likely correct, but I’d like to add that Mary was not the intellectual equal to QE and was not interested in minutia of governing. Not

I’m glad to hear that, they are my go-to brand for my family. I’m a boring shopper, I find what works and tend to stick with a brand. The quality of the kid’s wear is good, as my kids tend to outgrown the clothes before they wear out. Good choices in the “slim” too, for my youngest son. Additionally, my husband and I

Mazel tov! Also, prepare for the marriage penalty :(

That is weird...I’m also playing around with my deductions and filing status. I’m trying out “married, but withhold at higher single rate” on my W4s; not sure if that is an option for everyone. I *think* my tax liability is expected to go down in 2018 (at least according to the IRS calc) but the changes my company