
I would not be surprised if this was a motivating factor...the Duggars are professional grifters.

Thank you, this helps! I have a severe seafood allergy (this covers all our friends from the sea) and cross-contamination is what I live in fear from. Generally speaking, I know which menu items to avoid but anytime I want something from the grill, I need to ask if it can be cooked separate (separate pan, separate

FWIW: I'm a female who decided to get our family an Acadia (a crossover I think). We needed as much cargo room as we could get balanced against "decent" gas mileage PLUS towing. Throw in the easy up/easy down third row seats and we had a winner.

THIS!!! In our neck of the woods, the nicer dog parks have on/off days to allow the grass time to recuperate. I know they try to keep it nice and green, but that turf just gets so much abuse.

Firmly in the "journey" camp here. Shout-out to my girl: Anne Morrow Lindbergh:

Need to add that mastitis is something to watch out for. If you're breastfeeding and aren't careful about the frequency, your milk ducts will become infected and/or clogged. I had it with my first kid, it was all kinds of crazy/scary. Fever, chills, severe pain, etc... Your instinct is to not nurse on that side but

This is a situation where I'd love to be wrong. It would be a small consolation knowing that having to fight cold sores all my life may have protected me from getting (what I consider worse) genital warts.

I pay $10 which is my co-pay for generic meds. Because I don't get them often, I only take them at the first sign of a breakout (2 pills in the morning; 2 more 12 hours later). I believe my bottle covers me for about 4 outbreaks (16 pills?). From reading around this thread, Valtrex doesn't appear to work for everyone

Sadly this is not true. Antibodies to HSV-1 will not help you with HSV-2. Also, you can have genital warts from the HSV-1 just depends on where the virus first entered the body. It is just more common to see HSV-1 appears as cold sores on face and HSV-2 as warts on genitals.

I'm in the same boat. I've been getting cold sores (in almost the same spot on my lip) periodically since I was 6'ish. I know if stress out too much, and get too little sleep, that I'll bring on a breakout. I have generic Valtrex which reduces the breakout period from my normal 7+ days to less than 3...and often the

It is definitely a possibility. We aren't very involved in each others lives, so I suspect I'm not getting the full story from the FB updates.

I'm a "to each, her own" sort of gal, and really couldn't care less how people chose to eat. I will admit to getting judgey with people close to me who proselytize a lifestyle. Case-in-point: my sister, who is a vegetarian and a big time juicer, who is always complaining of some health ailment. From what I can see on

In addtion to Whale Rider (which is excellent), I'd suggest Akeelah and the Bee (…) I don't know if your students would enjoy Anime from Studio Ghibli, but many of the works from Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away, Kiki's Delivery Service, Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo) are excellent and

I didn't think twice about getting the chicken pox vaccine for both my boys. Chicken pox may be no big deal, but would you want to go through it again? I can still remember how terrible I felt when I had chicken pox, and while I know most of us survived it just fine, it was a living hell for me. I wouldn't sign up to

I would second this! I met my husband (going on 10 years) when he was in his mid-20s. Never had a girlfriend, or dated. He just didn't really seem to care, he was happy with his friends and he had his own things. He is not "conventionally" attractive, I doubt I would have noticed him in a bar. I needed the chance to

My first completed shawl "Golden Gate Shawl". Kept me sane through a crazy 2012!!

I consider my husband an "enlightened" man who has never been squeamish about my body or any of the fun stuff it does. However, he honestly thought a period was bleeding similar to that of an open wound. In my mind, this makes a bit of sense around that stupid joke of "bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die". Needless to

I went to both (tourist from California here)!! In retrospect, the 8 hours I allowed myself to take in the Met was, by far, too short. I could spend a lifetime there, and I'm not an art aficionado. I spent a few hours in Times Square and was quickly overwhelmed. All I have to show for it is an M&M golf club cover for

Yes, OMG yes...this x1000.

It should be left up to the individual to decide which risks to take. You don't have to go far to make a case against a sport being too dangerous for a woman because of biology. Hell, I can make a case against me driving my car because, by virtue of being female, it is more dangerous: my arms are shorter than a man's,