
I have been contemplating actual law school, and every time I hear her speak, I think, “Well, I wouldn’t be the *worst* lawyer ever...”

Jay’s ever-changing stories seemed to have been fed to him by the detectives. They could have given him the choice of going to jail on drug charges or going free by testifying against Adnan. I don’t think either Jay or Adnan were involved.

Oh- there’s also the lividity issue. It points that the body was stored on her stomach (if I remember correctly) for ten hours before burial. There was no way she was stored in the trunk of her own car.

I’ve been listening to undisclosed and serial dynasty/truth and justice. If their evidence is to be believed-

ALSO: “Dude has a hot voice and I wonder what he looks like now.”

Listen to undisclosed. There's a ton serial didn't cover.

I've been listening to Undisclosed, so between that and my Law and Order degree, I feel like they could put me on the bench and tag me in if anyone gets tired.

9 out of 10 comments are going to be: “I think he did it, but the case wasn’t strong enough to send him away.”

Are you my mom? She asks that about every celebrity with visible moles. “He/she can afford it, why doesn’t he/she get that ugly spot removed?” (She always calls them “spots” and also hates tattoos and freckles. I love my mom, but she’s a huge weirdo.)

I always love these “Stars: Just Like Us!” things. I mean, seriously, what is Alexander Skaarsgard supposed to do with his effing groceries?

why i gotta be all wet AFTER morning sex this morning and then gotta go to work all sloshy. c’mon, girl.

I feel like if she could just rephrase it to something like, Guys who skip foreplay are lazy, she’d really be hitting the nail on the head.

And weed makes you sooo horny. Also sometimes I want a quickie then my vagina will lazily lubricate itself after I’m done.

also bitch you’ve obviously never tried to have sex while super high on that tip top chronic no lube no sex no fun in that situation

I’m sorry, but I can’t understand why you’re railroading against a podcast you’ve never listened to it. If you did you would find out that is not entertaining in the least. It is incredibly boring and hard to pay attention throughout. However there are parts in each episode that reveal very interesting facts that were

Yes! I think there’s a dynamic here where the cool kids want to show how much more sophisticated they are than the unruly masses who got into Serial by just blanket poo-poo’ing the entire show. And one of the ways to do that is to adopt the “clearly he did it, Keonig is a shitty jouranlist” critique. Well, ok then.

It legit scares me in these true crime type posts, how many otherwise open-minded people come out of the woodwork proclaiming absolute unshakable certainty in something they can’t possibly have certain knowledge of.

I feel like no one else listens to Undisclosed. The stuff Sarah left out of the Serial podcast pretty well exonerates Adnan. :/

I won’t get the chance to listen to this as it goes up against my favorite podcast Cereal which is about a paranoid Irishman who has a small treasure horde and he describes the various times in his life he thought people were trying to rob him.

Serial was not really about whether Adnan did it. It was about the trial and the system.