
It’s kind of perfect because it can work both ways and its hard to know what the meaning is. She might be poking fun at herself and her reputation for being a narcissist/obsessed with her body or she might be making a joke about Taylor...Is this shade???

Some people are saying it. You’re not implying it but some people are saying it.

Maybe Taylor likes to put on a disguise and troll for hookers who look like Karlie Kloss and one night she lost control of her car, went through the rails of a bridge and crashed into a river. Taylor got out but date for the evening was stuck in the car but Taylor didn’t call 911 because she didn’t want people to find

I like that Taylor Swift. She seems like a good egg.

She posted a bunch like this on Insta. I think it’s hilarious.

I love Kim’s sense of humor.

There’s no consideration for the child’s privacy here. His well-being is clearly secondary to the object lesson he can provide in the eyes of this department.

Not only that but the whole point of this moronic stunt was the show the non-using public about the effects of drug use. A quick google search does just that. Hell, haven’t we all seen the meth mugshot timeline? Also, I don’t need to see what cops see. That’s why I’m not a cop.

It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.

That’s fucked. Heroin is destroying lives and this is the response? Not advocating good rehab programs, not railing against a rehab industry that exists only to Hoover up government money by keeping people hooked for as long as possible and relapsing as often as possible...nope, let’s just post photos of people at

“She's the woooorrrsssst"

Jamaica Kincaid needs to write to Jezebel and tell them to bring back kitchenette and its stories of the worst restuarant customers.

The interview for a position at Roberta’s is pretty much 1 question— “Who are you most like: Jean-Ralphio or Mona Lisa Saperstein?” As long as you check one, you’ve got a job.

One of those old standby theories on how to judge someone on your first date with them is to watch their interaction and tip to the server. Not surprised that he fails like the fucking douche he is.

Anybody who "lectures" a waiter, about anything at all, is a tool. Give your order and shut up.

A fucking white button down that doesn’t immediately pop open at my boobs.

As a fat person, I would really like to see decent basics. A fucking white button down that doesn’t immediately pop open at my boobs. Jeans that aren’t jeggins- or “mom jeans”. Tee shirts and cardigans that aren’t priced 3 times as much as the skinny version (ahem-Old Navy) Just plain, well tailored clothes. Jesus, is

You have to be very careful of your T.Swift criticisms here. I once made a joke referencing some of her song lyrics and got a thesis on how I’m not a real feminist because she wrote those lyrics when she was twelve or something.

I like "their faces are like no other faces on earth" for it's absolute commitment to telling me nothing.

“Really strange and different”. What descriptive writing! I’m so glad she’s sharing her talents with the world and gifting us with a memoir.