
Honestly she looks better with her fake ass lips and anyone can fight me on that

That is some glorious red-eye, she looks like a succubus.

Something tells me Kendall could care less. She’s off being fabulous and creating a career separate from her fam (or you know as separate as is possible with the Kardashians):

Fat is not a medical term anyway. It is more of a feeling... ha. I mean, there is “overweight”, “obese”, “morbidly obese”, and even “super obese”. But there is no “fat”. Fat is a term used to mean you don’t have what is deemed the ideal body type right this moment, and it is completely useless when people use it to

Right, so then I’m going to self identify as skinny as a size 24.

I miss this too. I am exactly the authors measurements and the way she talked about it just made me feel really, really bad about myself.

Do you feel better? Good. Now GTFO

Oh yeah?!? Well I am 4’11” and 5 million pounds. BOW BEFORE ME

What killed me is her “I refuse to think of fat as a negative term” OK, great for you lady, that still doesn’t make you fat. Kindly fuck off with this nonsense.

My eyes rolled so far into the back of my head that I think they’re now stuck there and would someone mind calling the ophthalmologist for me?

Is she Dolezaling us?

Maybe it’s because I am 5’0” 195lbs... but I have been 5’0” and 135lbs (Not to mention DD boobs) and in no way can I possibly consider that anywhere in the realm of “fat.” To me that is super in shape. I don’t have a problem with fat, but I just don’t think any reasonable person would consider a 5’1” 135lb woman or a

*Women. You work in an office with mostly women, unless some of the aforementioned coworkers are in fact from other, non-human species.

Amelia judges you all

TurkeyDog and Church are glad the Depp Poochiekinns aren’t dead.

This made the broadcast of every free to air news show in Australia.

Triggered again! There was a time I'd snort anything.

I can’t believe you’re parading your hangover around like it’s a joke. It’s not cute. I’m a recovering alcoholic, and I was triggered by your comment. Now I’ll sit at my desk all day craving a cocktail and will probably relapse. Words have meaning. Words have weight. I hope you’re pleased with yourself.


yes that’s exactly what i meant.