
Meet Natalia Kills and Willy Moon

Also, since I'd much rather invest myself emotionally in this than do actual work, here's what the blonde judge tweeted re: this incident:

Even children aren't paying Willy Moon proper respect.

Yeah, the show makes fun of white people a TON.

I guess you can read racism into anything. But you do realize that besides Kimmy, the only "positive" characters are non-white? Do you think Dong—who is an immigrant—shouldn't have broken english? Should Tittus be a boring accountant instead of a fun gay? The maid in the bunker cares so little about white people that

Yep, exactly. Dude's a narcissist and she should run away as fast as her legs can take her.

Yeah, I mostly get the sense that he's really, really into himself and can't get over how clever he is to have thought of this. Also, that hair.

In the same vein as volentourism photos of sorority girls with black children in developing nations.

Uhm, I didn't say it was true for everyone. "Most" is not everyone, and "I believe it works in some specific cases" makes it clear that it works for some people. What is with people on the internet lately misreading the things I say? I completely agree that it works for some people and some people are happy being

I can't believe that no one at McDonald's PR department didn't do a pro/con of paying bands a token, what, $5,000? to play vs. the potential backlash of asking them to play for free.

Everyone take a moment and savor Leto's transformation with me, Jezzies. I was recently dumped by a stupidly hot man-child who styled himself largely after Mr. Leto (devastating in the pants department) and who more or less held Leto as the only man-crush in his life. He more or less modeled his life, look and music

no everything is a 0 sum game if a lady has it men dont has it

I think if you want to see sexually empowered men getting naked to express their own sexuality on their own terms, you just go watch regular porn, of which there is quite a lot.

they don't usually need to.

trust me, everybody finds a way

You know who has really great skin? Beck.

Such a cop out. Girls can have babies until they are about 45, generally. Yet only the 20 year old body is obsessed over. Also, that is not our only function.

My diet is at least 40% strong cheese

That smile is used to best effect as Jacob, tho

I don't care how not funny he is, Colin Jost is hot as fuck and can get it any time. I am really glad I now know what he smells like.